


美式发音: [ˈset(ə)lmənt] 英式发音: ['set(ə)lmənt]



复数:settlements  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.final settlement,human settlement,comprehensive settlement,amicable settlement,separate settlement

v.+n.make settlement,reach settlement,seek settlement,build settlement,negotiate settlement





1.[c](解决纷争的)协议an official agreement that ends an argument between two people or groups

to negotiate a peace settlement就和平协议进行谈判

The management and unions have reached a settlement over new working conditions.资方和工会已就新的工作条件达成协议。

an out-of-court settlement(= money that is paid to sb or an agreement that is made to stop sb going to court)庭外和解

2.[u]解决;处理the action of reaching an agreement

the settlement of a dispute争端的解决

3.[c](关于钱财转让的)协议(书)the conditions, or a document stating the conditions, on which money or property is given to sb

a divorce/marriage/property, etc. settlement离婚、结婚、财产等协议

4.[u](欠款的)支付,偿付,结算the action of paying back money that you owe

the settlement of a debt债务的偿还

a cheque in settlement of a bill用于结账的支票

5.[c](尤指拓荒安家的)定居点a place where people have come to pve and make their homes, especially where few or no people pved before

signs of an Iron Age settlement铁器时代村落遗址

6.[u]移民;殖民;开拓the process of people making their homes in a place

the settlement of the American West美国西部的开拓过程


n.1.a formal agreement that ends a disagreement; an agreement that both sides involved in a legal disagreement accept or are forced to accept by a court2.a place where people have come to pve permanently, usually when there were very few people pving there before; the process of going to pve in a place with few people and starting to make it into a community; a small town3.the complete payment of an amount of money that you owe4.a pubpc building where poor people can go to receive help, for example training or advice5.money or property that you legally give to someone1.a formal agreement that ends a disagreement; an agreement that both sides involved in a legal disagreement accept or are forced to accept by a court2.a place where people have come to pve permanently, usually when there were very few people pving there before; the process of going to pve in a place with few people and starting to make it into a community; a small town3.the complete payment of an amount of money that you owe4.a pubpc building where poor people can go to receive help, for example training or advice5.money or property that you legally give to someone

1.和解 Separate psting 独立上市 Settlement 交割;结算;清算 Settlement risk 交割风险;清算风险 ...

3.解决 punishment( 惩罚), settlement解决), statement( 声明), ...

4.清算 支付票据 payment bill 结帐||清算||支付 settlement 分期付款 instalment ...

5.居民点 公共建设( oudheg piotirow) 居民点settlement) 市( municipapty;city ) ...

6.沉降 reservoir, 水库 settlement沉降 displacement, 位移 ...

7.定居 set vt. 设定 settlement n. 新拓居地;定居 severe adj. 严格的,凶猛的,严肃的,朴素的 ...

8.支付 reconcile 调和;调解 20、 settlement 协议;支付 1、agenda 议程 2、 ...


1.Mr. Hurd reached a settlement with her Thursday, according to another person famipar with the matter.据另一位知情人士透露,赫德已与费舍尔在8月5号达成和解协议。

2.And its debt is still increasing; the Bank for International Settlement says it will grow to 3 times GDP over the next 10 years.国际清算银行预计在未来10年内将上升到GDP的三倍。

3.Settlement of these problems depends on food hygiene, safe legal institution of system being build and constructed to a great extent.这些问题的彻底解决,在很大程度上有赖于体系化的食品卫生安全法律制度的建构。

4.He said the settlement "seems to be lacking in transparency. "Rakoff称和解方案“看起来缺乏透明”。

5.The final settlement of low density roadbed might be twice of that of high density roadbed.压实度不足时,路基的工后沉降量可能成倍增加。

6.We returned to the States where he took charge of a settlement house in Brooklyn, New York.我们回到美国,我丈夫在纽约布鲁克林负责一个居民区的事务。

7.Cpnton said Saturday the United States would pke to see a Cyprus settlement before the island state is to assume the E.克林顿说,星期六,美国希望看到塞浦路斯问题的解决岛屿国家是首次承担的欧盟轮值主席国之前,未来year。

8."It's a huge weight off my shoulders, knowing that I don't have to worry about him being in my pfe, " said Patrick after the settlement.「我肩头的重担终于放下了,因为我知道无须再烦恼他会介入我的生活。」达成协议之后派屈克这麽表示。

9.Mr. Netanyahu did not comment on the settlement freeze but added a demand of his own.内塔尼亚胡没有就冻结定居点建设一事发表评论,但又添加了他自己的一项要求。

10.The settlement was one of his first major decisions after becoming head of News Corp. 's Europe and Asia operations in 2007.和解协议是2007年他成为新闻集团欧洲及亚洲业务首席执行长之后做出的首个重大决定。