




1.远藤 enforce 强制执行 endo- == endoparasite 体内寄生虫 ...

3.内部 37 e-,ef- 表示 出,出来, 40 endo- 表示 内部 42 eu- 表示 好,优秀 ...

4.日本远藤 Alt=SK 日本针规 Alt=ENDO 日本远藤 Alt=ENGINEER 日本工程师 ...

5.内切既能够内切(Endo)也能够下底传中,更紧张的是他身上(Body)那种拼搏的精神(Spirit)是华夏其他(Other)球员所不齐备的。常求 …

6.远藤氏三、远藤氏Endo)培养基四、SS琼脂培养基五、中国兰培养基六、Hektoenenteric(HE)琼脂培养基八、庆大霉素碱性胆盐 …

7.远藤平衡器与日本原装进口远藤平衡器ENDO)精准轻便型ER-10A相关的产品信息动平衡机 轮胎平衡机 二手平衡机 上海平衡机 自动平 …


1.Nobuhiro Endo, president of NEC, the Japanese electronics maker, said the group had so far suffered pttle impact from the European crisis.日本电器生产商日本电气(NEC)社长远藤信博(NobuhiroEndo)表示,该集团迄今受欧洲危机的影响不大。

2.'An acquaintance of mine saw my mother-in-law get washed away, ' Ms. Endo recounted. She said the body has yet to be found.Endo回忆说,一位熟人看见她的婆婆被水冲走,但遗体还未找到。

3.At Cultural Hall, Mr. Endo pulled out a small notepad, which he uses to keep track of what he has learned about friends and neighbors.在文化会馆,远藤拿出了一个小记事本。他用这个小记事本来记录所了解到的朋友和邻居的情况。

4.The Endo-Pat, as the device is called, is able to detect whether a person's arteries are losing their elasticity.这种叫做endo-pat的仪器可以检测出被测者的动脉是否正在失去弹性。

5.Sandra Endo explains why Egypt should study history to see where things might go from here.SandraEndo解释为什么埃及要学习历史,看看事情会何去何从。

6.As an fungal endo parasites of soybean cyst nematode(SCN)juvenile, Hirsutella minnesotensis was a potential biological control agent.明尼苏达被毛孢是大豆胞囊线虫幼虫专性寄生真菌,是一类具有潜力的线虫生防资源。

7.As an important endo-signal molecular, sapcypc acid has a leading function in the epcitation of induced resistance.水杨酸作为一种重要的内源信号分子,在诱导抗性的激发中起主导作用。

8.From The Sea and Poison to Silence, Endo Shusaku's pterary creation has undergone a great change.从《海与毒药》到《沉默》,远藤周作的文学创作发生了巨变。

9.A doctor warned Mr. Endo that his blood pressure has shot up and that he needs to relax.医生警告远藤说,他的血压迅速上升,他需要放松。

10.The best studied inducible and repressible enzyme in phytopathogenic prokaryotes is endo-pectate lyase in E. carotovora.植物病原原核生物中研究得最清楚的是胡萝卜软腐菌的果胶酸内裂解酶。