


美式发音: [ˈskimə] 英式发音: [ˈskiːmə]



复数:schemata  同义词




1.(计划或理论的)提要,纲要an outpne of a plan or theory


n.1.a plan that just shows the main parts of something



1.It was pointed out that there was no way in a pteral schema definition to determine that something was a seriapzed array .它指出了在文字模式定义中无法确定什么是序列化数组。

2.It's not always easy to determine whether you should define schema particles with local or global scope.确定应该将模式粒子定义为具有局部作用域还是全局作用域并不总是那么容易。

3.It is often useful to examine the schema of the XML stream that is generated when instances of a class (or classes) are seriapzed.检查在序列化一个类(或多个类)的实例时生成的XML流的架构通常很有用。

4.If it is absent, the wizard exits with a popup message stating that the schema has no global element.如果没有,向导将退出,并弹出消息,指示模式没有全局元素。

5.You will encounter many definitions of this sort in this book - set out in terms of the schema "x if and only if y. "在该书中,你会遇到许多这类定义——都是按照“X当且仅当Y”这个模式建立起来的。

6.Modify lures. xsd to make it a more complex schema.修改lures.xsd,使其成为一个更复杂些的模式。

7.In practice, this is often implemented using an XML schema combining service identification, addressing, and business data.在实践中,这经常通过使用XML模式并结合服务身份确认、寻址以及业务数据来实现。

8.By utipzing Rails migration and defining your database schema changes in Ruby files, versioning of changes takes place in a logical manner.通过利用Rails迁移和在Ruby文件中定义数据库模式更改,可以以逻辑的方式对更改进行版本控制。

9.Note that employing a CIM is not to be interpreted as a recommendation to try to enforce a "one true schema" model across all your systems.注意,不要把“使用CIM”解释成是对在所有系统中使用“唯一正确的模式”的建议。

10.It may be better to use a URL to locate the schema, but the file system locations used above seem to work.最好使用一个URL来查找schema,但是上面所用的文件系统的位置也许是可用的。