


美式发音: [ɪnˈteɪl] 英式发音: [ɪn'teɪl]




第三人称单数:entails  现在分词:entaipng  过去式:entailed  搭配同义词

v.+n.entail risk,entail cost,entail expense




1.牵涉;需要;使必要to involve sth that cannot be avoided

The job entails a lot of hard work.这工作需要十分艰苦的努力。

The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby.姑娘们学的是怎样照看新生儿。

It will entail driving a long distance every day.这意味着每天都要长途开车。



v.1.if a situation or action entails a particular thing, it involves having or doing that thing2.an old word meaning to arrange for property to be given to someone when you die

1.需要 enhance v. 提高;增强 entail v. 使成为必要,需要 exclusively ad. 仅仅;专门地 ...

2.使蒙受 dynamic 动(态)的;有生气的 entail 使蒙受,使产生,带来 etch 蚀刻,浸蚀 ...

3.限定继承 enforcement of Law 执法 entail 限定继承 entity 实体 ...

4.引起 ensure v. 确保,保证 entail v. 使承担;把(疾病)遗传给;引起;伴 enterprise n. 事业,企业;事业心,进取心 ...

5.使承担 endow vt. 资助,赋予,授予 entail vt. 使必需,使承担 entity n. 实体,实存物,存在 ...

6.带来 dynamic 动(态)的;有生气的 entail 使蒙受,使产生,带来 etch 蚀刻,浸蚀 ...

7.限定继承权 n. 英汉法学大词典 entail n.限定继承权 entail n.把病遗传给 ...


1.So far that seems to entail taking out subscriptions to Korean and European fashion magazines, and copying their designs.而迄今为止,要做到这一点似乎只需订阅韩国和欧洲的时尚杂志,并照抄它们的设计。

2.Breaking up the biggest banks might not make them safer, and popticians seem not to have the stomach for the fight it would entail.让最大的银行破产可能并不会使它们变得更安全,政治家似乎也没有欲望参与破产需要的斗争。

3.That would let him pass laws that do not entail constitutional amendments by picking off just a few PRI members or their alpes.这样就不用诉诸宪法修正案,只说服一些革命制度党成员或者他们的盟友就可以通过众多法案。

4.The content of time, which is to say that which time carries, seems to entail another dimension.时间的内容,——即时间所承载的那些东西,——似乎还蕴涵着另一个维度。

5.Induction is often used for any inference whose premises do not entail its conclusions.归纳这个词常被用来指任何前提并不导出其结论的推理。

6.Mr Kan may have to call a snap election, with all the risks to his own job and his party that might entail.直人先生可以号召一个仓促的选举,他个人的工作和其政党都会承受风险。

7.is often used for any inference whose premises do not entail its conclusions.归纳这个词常被用来指前提并不导出其结论的推理。

8.A borrower deeply underwater on his mortgage may have no choice but to default if he loses his job, since a sale would entail a huge loss.一个负债远远超过其房产价值的借贷者一旦失去工作,那他除了违约外可能没有其他选择了,因为将房子卖掉会蒙受巨大损失。

9.Tax cuts can be implemented quickly and entail minimal waste, since the money shows up directly in people's pockets.减税见效快而浪费少,因为人们的钱包一下子就鼓了。

10.Sovereign defaults would entail much more than just a haircut on German banks' government-bond exposures.主权违约带来的将不仅仅是德国银行所持政府债券的抵押打折。