




1.头盘 ... 餐单 MENU 头盘:白血肠榛栗野苣沙拉 Entre:Salade de mche au boudin blanc,aux marrons et aux noiset…

2.进来 ... 帮助 aider,aide 进来 entre 找 chercher ...

3.进入 appear 出现 + entre 进入 + exist 存在 + ...

4.前菜 ... Afternoon Tea 下午茶: Entre 前菜: Main 主菜: ...


1.Chana, is spoken in Parana, the capital of Argentina's province of Entre Rios. As of 2008, it had only one speaker.查纳语(Chana)是阿根廷恩特雷里奥斯省首府巴拉那居民说的语言,至2008年时仅有一个使用者。

2.In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to entre into direct business relations with you.为了能在贵国拓展我方的出口业务,我们希望能与你们建立直接的业务关系。

3.Currently, Entre Rios soybeans are more vulnerable to damage given that much of soybeans are in the flowering stage of development.目前,恩特雷里奥斯省的大豆更容易遭受损失,因为大部分大豆正处在开花阶段。

4.After getting off the bus, I have to walk 10 minutes to entre the company.下车后距离公司还有10分钟的步行路程。

5.And the social entrepreneurs are right at the entre of it.而社会企业家们,正处于这场变革的中心。

6.Entre Deux Mers is not exactly between two seas but actually between two rivers: Dordogne and Garonne.两河区域并不是在两个大洋之间,而事实上是在两条河流之间:多尔多涅河和卡龙河。

7.Cepa: You'll always use your dessert fork for your entre.你总是用你的甜点叉来吃主菜。

8.Argentina reported its first finding of Asian soybean rust last week in the Entre Rios province.上周阿根廷报道了发现于恩特雷里奥斯省的首例亚洲大豆锈菌。

9.The meeting will beginning, please entre the conference room as soon as possible.会议即将开始,请以最快速度进入会场。

10.Entre Rios' soybean production accounted for 8% of Argentina's total production last season.去年,恩特雷里奥斯省的大豆产量占阿根廷总产量的8%。