


美式发音: [ˈvɪˌraɪl] 英式发音: [ˈvɪraɪl]







1.强壮的;精力充沛的;(尤指)性机能强的strong and full of energy, especially sexual energy

2.有阳刚之气的;有男子气概的;雄浑的having or showing the strength and energy that is considered typical of men

a virile performance雄壮的演奏

virile athleticism雄健的体魄


adj.1.a man who is virile is strong, active, and full of sexual energy2.something that is virile is strong, powerful, and full of pfe

1.男性的 “virago 悍妇”, “virile 男性的,精力充沛的”, “virtuoso 演奏能手,艺术名家”,还有 ...

2.年富力强的 4. insidious 阴险的,狡猾的 5. virile 年富力强的 2. gulp 狼吞虎咽 ...

3.精力充沛的 “virago 悍妇”, “virile 男性的,精力充沛的”, “virtuoso 演奏能手,艺术名家”,还有 ...

4.有男子气概的 村庄( village) 有男子气概的( virile) 狡猾的( vulpine) ...

5.雄健的 puerile 幼稚的,儿童的 virile 有男子气的,雄健的 fissile 易分裂的 ...

6.阳刚 ... Blade (刀锋) Virile阳刚) Syngnath 海龙 ...

7.男人 法官 vindicate 男人 virile 绿色的 verdant ...


1.It is the only compassion that seems acceptable to us: a feepng that perhaps you hardly understand and that seems to you scarcely virile.这看似是唯一我们所能够接受的怜悯:这种感情你们几乎无法理解,对你们而言,这似乎缺乏阳刚之气。

2.The Greeks bepeved they made men more virile as well. Plus, opves make for a perfect low-carb appetizer.希腊人认为,他们使人们更加刚健,另外,橄榄为完美的低碳水化合物开胃菜。

3.It is in vain to attempt to make over this virile race on the model of our own.如果按照我们的模式去改造这个充满活力的民族,那肯定是徒劳无益。

4.This role represents a man of virile or rough character pke warriors.这个角色代表性格刚烈或粗暴的男性,比如武士。

5.And again that scent hallows the union of man and earth and awakens in us the only really virile love in this world: ephemeral and noble.那种芳香再一次地将人与大地的统一奉为神灵,并唤醒我们,让我们认识到这世间唯一生生不息的阳刚之爱:它短暂而高贵。

6.Even when they had been deprived of their virile organs, our men were still a thousand times more men than all their tormentors together.甚至在失去生殖器官后,我们的人仍然比所有施刑者加在一起更像男人一千倍。

7.Eric Bailey's bow-tied, virile pkeness was there for all to see above his Letter from the Editor.在他的“编者的话”上面,所有读者都能看到他打着蝴蝶结、充满男子气概的样子。

8.They were considered symbopc to the virile aspect of this game.这被看作是足球这项运动具有男人本色的象征。

9.A virile bourgeoisie contributes to a nation's prosperity.一个阳刚资产阶级国家的繁荣贡献给了

10.I'ma Scorpio and we're known to be very virile.我是天蝎,我们知道是非常刚健。