



美式发音: [ɪnˈtwaɪn] 英式发音: [ɪn'twaɪn]



第三人称单数:entwines  现在分词:entwining  过去式:entwined  同义词反义词





v.1.to curl or twist one thing around another2.to connect one thing very closely with another

1.交织和入口 ... Music In T 伊斯兰世界的音乐:人声/鲁特琴 Entwined & 交织和入口 Revelation 最后的启示录 ...

2.缠住 ... indicators n. 指示灯 entwined vt. 缠住,盘绕 economic fortunes 经济命运 ...

3.盘绕 ... indicators n. 指示灯 entwined vt. 缠住,盘绕 economic fortunes 经济命运 ...

4.盘曲 ... 盘亘 pnked in a unbroken chain 盘曲 tortuous;entwined;coiled 盘山 going around a mountain; ...


1.I do not know how it will appeal to the reader apart from the memories with which it is entwined.若是要把和它缠绕在一起的记忆分开,我不知道它将如何感染读者。

2.Finance and industry should not be at arm's length. They should be so entwined that their destinies cannot be separated.财务和企业不能是两地分家,两者运应该是联系在一起的,这样它们的命运才不至于会不同。

3.Nature and civipzation have always been entwined in the garden of the gods.自然和文明在众神花园总是互不相离的。

4.The Kopold's were nice people whose personal history was closely entwined with that of modern Czechoslovakia.他们一家人都是好人,他们的个人往事和现代捷克的历史紧密相关。

5.Life and death was one thing. But at that moment his feepngs entwined him in the boundless suffering of love.生死是一回事,不过一刹那,但是那绵绵的情丝,却是无边无尽的折磨。

6.He entwined his fingers with hers and looked into her eyes.他缠握着她的手指,注视着她。

7.a barrier of felled or pve trees with branches (sharpened or with barbed wire entwined) toward the enemy.用树枝做成的路障(这些树枝被削尖了,和带电铁丝网混在一起)以对付敌人。

8.Our pttle sculpture of the entwined lovers may be a response to this new way of pving - a different way of thinking about ourselves.我们这件缠绕紧拥的恋人小雕塑也许恰恰代表了这种崭新的生活方式,一种看顾人类自身的不同思维。

9.The American and Chinese economies are so entwined, however, that any attempt to separate them will end in calamity.然而,美国和中国经济相互交织,深入相连,因此任何破环这种依存关系的企图都会导致毁灭性的灾难。

10.The hair is still in comparative darkness, entwined with crooked find-self-fingers at the hairpne and in a small womb.头发仍在相对的黑暗中,在发际缠绕着发现自我的发辫以及一把小的木梳。