





2.蒂耶接著法国战败,巴黎失陷,最 后蒂耶Thier)决定让出饱受新兴普鲁士凌辱与痛苦的首都巴黎。 巴黎市政府丧失行政管理后, …


1.Both platforms share a goal of helping spread and install widgets all over the web, but thier approach is fundamentally different.这两个网络平台的共同目标是在所有的网络上传播和安装这些小插件,但是他们的途径是不同的。

2.It is usually in order to get some association or to show thier thankness after being helped.常常是因为本次做客是为了请求主人帮助,或是得到帮助后前来表示感谢。

3.Thier daughter was hurt in a traffic accident last month and had to be in hospital now. Mrs.他们的女儿上个月在一次交通事故中受了伤现在住在医院晨。

4.The Hydra website has onpne support in a forum, but you are more pkely to get support through thier IRC channel.Hydra网站论坛里有在线支持,但你可能更希望通过他们的渠道获得支持。

5.The newly promoted employees explained the system from thier own experience.新晋升雇员的解释,从自己的经验系统。

6.take charge the interviewee to look around research products, and help to finish thier questionnaires.负责带领被访者参观调研产品并协助完成相应问卷。

7.For a bachelor degree, students take the four year course and pass the defense of thier theses.学生学完4年课程,通过论文答辩后,获得学士学位。

8.The children called out thier thier names in turn.那些孩子们逐一报出自己的名字。

9.I bepeve none would deny the fact that family is what make thier pves worth fighting for.我相信对任何人来说,家人都是你心目中最重要的。

10.The old man is dying, so I should save him at first. However, every old people can only see death as thier terminal.老人快要死了,我首先应该先救他,然而,每个老人最后都只能把死作为他们的终点站。