

phd是Ph D的单数

Ph D

美式发音: [.pi eɪtʃ 'di] 英式发音: [.piː eɪtʃ 'diː]



单数:phd  复数:phds  同义词

abbr.doctor of philosophy



1.哲学博士学位,博士学位(全写为 Doctor of Philosophy,授予完成某学科研究者的高级学位)the abbreviation for‘Doctor of Philosophy’ (a university degree of a very high level that is given to sb who has done research in a particular subject)

to be/have/do a PhD是一位博士;有博士学位;攻读博士学位

Anne Thomas, PhD安妮 ) 托马斯博士

abbr.1.〈外〉(=Philosophiae Doctor)哲学博士

abbr.1.<foreign>(=Philosophiae Doctor)

1.博士 ... 八喜 8 Happiness 薄饼博士 PHD 包点先生 Bao Dim Sin Seng ...

7.哲学博士学位6年波普获得了他的学士学位,1951年获得数学系的哲学博士学位(PhD),虽然获得的是数学系的学位,但是波普的博士学位 …

8.理学博士1994年获理学博士(PHD)学位,毕业后到芝加哥大学从事博士后研究。1997年张东辉到新加坡国立大学任教,2000年提升为副 …


1.Out of my friends that were in possession of decent degrees in Physics, I was the only one that carried on to a PhD.一起读物理专业的同学里,就我一个人读到了博士毕业。

2.He was studying for his PhD in actuarial science, but no one expected him to go on to a career in academia.他在攻读保险精算博士学位,但没有人希望他今后走学术道路。

3.Luo Long is not a wealthy man, just a good PhD, is a middle-level cadres of the company.罗富陇并不是什么有钱的男人,也只是个优秀的博士生,是一家公司的中层干部。

4.In the case of your PhD, the years of toil and tuition fees paid should be irrelevant.就你的博士学位而言,付出的多年努力和学费都并不重要。

5.He took his PhD at Berkeley, but back in China he was firmly of the opinion that China should follow its own path, not the West's.他在伯克利取得博士学位,但回国后他坚持中国应该走自己的路线,而不是照搬西方。

6.Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center was one of the first institutions approved to award master and PhD degrees.中山大学中山眼科中心是我国可招收眼科硕士和博士研究生最早的单位之一。

7.Astronomers with a PhD cannot be expected to simply gaze at a starpt sky in the same manner as a pair of young lovers out on a date.具有博士学位的天文学家不可能与一对在露天约会的年轻情侣以同样的方式注视星光明亮的天空。

8.Professional schools are now encountering the graduate-overproduction issues with which PhD programmes have been wrestpng for decades.专业学院现在面临毕业生生产过剩的问题,这也是博士教育近几十年一直努力解决的地方。

9.I understand that doing a PhD with so much pressure from both study AND the social circle must be very challenging and stressful for you.我知道在读博期间,你会受到来自学业和社会的很多压力,这些对你来讲都很有挑战而且很紧张。

10.another , which covers the whole of the uk , allows any overseas student completing a phd degree to stay and work for a year.另一个在全英国推出的项目是允许完成博士学业的外国留学生在英国生活和工作一年。