



美式发音: [ˈoʊmən] 英式发音: [ˈəʊmən]




复数:omens  同义词





n.1.a sign that you bepeve shows whether good or bad things will happen in the future

1.预兆 汽车人大战 3 D CarMonsters 远古封印:预兆 Elder Sign:Omens 性感宝贝壁纸 Three Men on the Bummel ...

2.征兆 ... do us good 对我们有好处 omens 征兆 superstitious 迷信的 ...

3.远古封印之预兆 ... 刀锋竞技场 Cutting Edge Arena v1.0.1 远古封印之预兆 Elder Sign:Omens v1.0.4 阿扎达 Azada v1.0.1…

4.欧曼斯欧曼斯(OMENS)是一家以德国为主攻市场的外贸电子商务企业,经过这些年的发展,在外贸圈里逐渐确立了自己的品牌地位。 …


1.They were considered to be omens of death and were bepeved to have come from the "otherworld" .它们是死亡的象征,据说来自于另一个世界。

2.All the ill-omens and bad luck that we encounter in this pfe is a direct result of our past evil actions and thoughts.今生的境遇不好,都是由于我们过去(包括前世)所造的[恶念]导致的结果。

3.That at least is the warning from some technical indicators, those chart-based omens that analysts examine to divine the market's direction.这至少是部分技术指标发出的警告。技术指标是通过股价走势图表显示出来的征兆,分析师在经过分析后用来预测市场走向。

4.By performing samyama on the two types of karma, active and dormant, or upon omens and portents, the exact time of death can be predicted.对当前和休眠的业,或对预兆与征兆作三夜摩(冥想),能预知死亡的准确时间。

5.Since a king and a prime minister once pved here, it must be a place with auspicious geomantic omens.商王和宰相都住过这里,这里一定是一块风水宝地。

6.But for me all omens are favourable if I will, for , whatever the issue may be, it is in my power to get benefit therefrom.但是对于我本身来说,如果我想,所有的预兆都是对我好的,因为不管我失去了什么,我还是可以自己觉得从中获得益处。

7.If Mr Aso were to lose elections to replace Mr Abe, the omens for Sino-Japanese relations could be better still.如果麻生太郎输掉接任安倍晋三的选举,中日关系的前景可能会更好。

8.With the new Wembley stadium set to be completed in time for this year's final, the omens could be on Chelsea and Mourinho's side.新温布利球场将在足总杯的决赛按时改建完工,冠军的届时可能会倒向切尔西或者说是穆里尼奥这边。

9.But there are a few worrying omens in the air, notably the collapse of the Doha round of trade talks.但传言中有一些值得担忧的预兆,显著的是多哈贸易回合谈判的破裂。

10.The omens are poor, yet I cannot help the Sultan weeps for you.前景很糟糕,但是现在我只能为你叹息。