




1.该 系 hei6 goi1 来 loi4 ...

2.改 哥 Go Goi 高 Gou ...

3.果阿 樽 zeon1 goi3 等 dang2 ...

5.果阿邦 Gohara 乡原。 Goi 五井。 Gojima 五岛。 ...

7.灭 来 goi goi 赉 gom ...


1.Goi says he has no intention to sell but doesn't rule it out.他表示,目前暂时没有这种打算,但也不排除其可能性。

2.Goi dropped out of high school to help his father at the store.魏成辉在念高中时辍学,帮助父亲打理店铺。

3.Goi quickly figured that to grow, he would have to seek markets outside Singapore.魏成辉很快便认识到,要想发展,就必须到新加坡以外寻找市场。

4.After securing a foothold in Austrapa, Goi targeted other markets, in Europe and the U.在打下澳大利亚这块根据地后,魏成辉又瞄准了欧洲、美国等其他市场。

5.Numerical analysis was used to simulate the process of sapphire crystal growth by modulating temperature.利用数值模拟分析方法,模拟了通过调节加热温度促进GOI法蓝宝石晶体生长的过程。

6.The newest bilponaire is food tycoon Sam Goi, known as Singapore's "Popiah King. "新上榜富豪是经营食品生意的魏成辉(SamGoi),他被誉为新加坡的“薄饼大王”。

7.The GOI entrusts SFF to protect its borders, stationing Tibetans along the border with China and in Ladakh.印度政府将这一部队部署在沿著中国的边界以及拉达克地区,以保护其边界。

8.Effectively the GOI is bidding time for an opportunity to strike.印度政府需要时间等待机会袭击。

9.We will eventually give back the Chinese, but it seems the GOI's strategic thought is to wait till an implosion grips China.我们将以其人之道还治其人之身,但印度政府的战略思想是等待中国内部陷入困境。

10.Numerical simulation of environmental parameters'effect on sapphire crystal growth with GOI method环境参数对GOI法蓝宝石晶体生长影响分析