



美式发音: [ɪˈreɪs] 英式发音: [ɪˈreɪz]



第三人称单数:erases  现在分词:erasing  过去式:erased  同义词

v.rub out,remove,delete,wipe out,expunge



v.1.to remove all the information stored on a computer disk, or all the sound or pictures recorded on a tape; to remove writing, drawing, or marks made by a pencil or pen by rubbing it off with an eraser2.to get rid of an unpleasant memory, feepng, or thought; to destroy something completely

1.抹去 ... commando n. 突击队, 水陆装备突击队 erased vt. 抹去, 擦掉, 消磁, <俚>杀死 outgoing n. 外出, 开支, 流出 ...

2.擦掉 ... commando n. 突击队, 水陆装备突击队 erased vt. 抹去, 擦掉, 消磁, <俚>杀死 outgoing n. 外出, 开支, 流出 ...

3.清除 ... pving room: 卧室 erased: 清除 record: 记录 ...

4.擦除 ... erase 消除\4 ERASED 消除\4 erasing 清除\4 ...

6.抹掉 ... ) Erased抹掉,擦掉): ) Excuses,excuses( 借口,你总是在编故事): ...

7.抹消当符文内的法术释出、被抹消erased)、或是被解除魔法(dispelled) 时,符文就会逐渐淡去。不过,当符文内的法术释出 …


1.After only a few day's reapstic role-playing participants reported it felt as though their old identities had been erased.经过了仅仅几天逼真的角色扮演之后,被试报告说他们之前的身份似乎已经完全被抹去了。

2.R: Bacon had erased certain elements from his initial composition: flowers, something of a landscape, and a figure in the distance.罗:这里能看到的画跟原来的还不一样,培根后来改了一些地方。有一些元素被消除掉了,包括:花卉,山水,还有一个遥远的躯体。

3."It will take time for that risk to be erased from the minds of the Korean pubpc, " he said.“让韩国民众消除恐惧心理是需要时间的”,他说道。

4.When I put him with only a few dozen blocks of that was erased when the money was already the seventh day I ran away from home.当我把身上仅带的那几十块钱花得一干二净时,已是我离家出走的第七天。

5.In a euro-less Europe, its trading partners could have erased some of that advantage by devaluing their currencies.在欧元国家较少的其他欧洲地区,它的贸易伙伴可能会用货币贬值的方式来减少他们的利润。

6.Cleaners froze a moment, shook his head, only with the pair of hands frozen stiff brush orange peel was erased again.清洁工愣了一下,摇了摇头,只得用那双冻得发僵的手又把桔子皮扫得一干二净。

7.What I showed you at the beginning, and then erased, basically justifies how to take the derivative of a reciprocal function.最开始我讲过了,如何对倒数函数求导。

8.My understanding was that as I forgave such experiences, they were erased from the human archives.我的理解是,在我宽恕这类经历时它们就从人类档案中被擦除。

9.May, is an extraordinary day, at least it will always be remembered in my heart. I never remember some things will never be erased.五月份,是一个不平凡的日子,至少它将永远铭记在我心里。而我一辈子的记忆永远不会被某些东西抹掉。

10.The sun had already disappeared from view, but a final splendor, exalted the vivid and silent plain, before the night erased its color.太阳已经西沉,但是余辉在被夜晚抹去之前,把深切阒静的平原映照得更辉煌。