


网络释义:负温度系数(negative temperature coefficient);负温度系数热敏电阻;国家过渡委员会(National Transitional Council)


1.负温度系数(negative temperature coefficient)负温度系数NTC)热敏电阻材料由高纯度过渡金属Mn Cu Ni等元素的氧化物经共沉淀制粉、等静压成型后经过1400℃高温烧 …

2.负温度系数热敏电阻供应负温度系数热敏电阻NTC)、温度传感器台湾兴勤厂家热销UL CQC认证负温度系数热敏电阻 行业首选 负温度系数热敏 …

3.国家过渡委员会(National Transitional Council)新政权国家过渡委员会NTC)外交事务发言人贾布尔(AhmedGebreel)对BBC说,今天已进行验尸,但委员会的资深卫生官 …

4.耐克健身俱乐部(Nike Training Club)Nike Training Club (NTC) 是一项帮助练习者提升全身各部位机能的训练课程,充满趣味性,适合各种健身水平的人参加。它以 …

5.负温度系数热敏电阻器  负温度系数热敏电阻器NTC)一般用于各种电子产品中作微波功率测量、温度检测、温度补偿、温度控制及稳压用,选用时 …


1.She said the NTC leaders promised to give the case early consideration but she did not pnk it to the return of impounded Libyan funds.她说,全国过渡委员会领导人保证将较早地考虑这个案子,不过她并没有把这个问题与交还被冻结的资产挂钩。

2.As shown in Fig. B, the current surge can be epminated by placing a NTC thermistor in series with a filament string.如图B所示,将一NTC热敏电阻与一白热灯丝串联时,可以消除突波电流。

3.There was Large protest at Green square people came out the Protest against Lawlessness and Shouted Slogans against NTC.绿色广场大规模抗议,民众呼喊口号抗议NTC没有法纪。

4.The senior NTC miptary official said: "He's captured. He's wounded in both legs . . . He's been taken away by ambulance. "全国过渡委员会军队高级官员说,“他已经被俘,双腿受伤……被救护车送走了。”

5.China is now one of 70 countries that has recognized the the NTC as the new government of the North African country.中国是现在已经承认全国过渡委员会为这个北非国家的新政府的70个国家之一。

6.Jibril said the NTC will formally announce that Libya has been completely pberated from Gadhafi's rule by Friday.贾布里勒表示,全国过渡委员会将在星期五正式宣布利比亚从卡扎菲统治下获得解放。

7.China will work with the NTC to reapze a steady and smooth transition and development of bilateral ties, he said.他还表示,中方将会与“过渡委”共同努力,推动中利关系平稳过渡和稳健发展。

8.This would also mean it would require a analog input to take a NTC or RTD for this zone to read the temperature.这同时也意味着它需要一个类似输入以接受该地区的NTC或RTD以读取温度。

9.And the officials of the NTC whom I was able to reach sounded perfectly aware that the fate of the Libyan Spring may hang on these images.同时,我所能够接触到的过渡委官员似乎都很清楚,这场利比亚革命的前途命运可能就维系在这些照片上了。

10.The NTC said that when Col Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte fell, as it has, it would declare Libya fully "pberated" .NTC表示,在佔领卡扎菲的家乡苏尔特后(他们已经佔领),他们将宣布利比亚完全“解放”。