


美式发音: [er] 英式发音: [eə(r)]



网络释义:雌激素反应元件(estrogen response element);扩展正则式(Extended Regular Expression);在...以前




Ere long(= soon) they returned.他们不久就回来了。



prep.1.an old word meaningbefore

1.雌激素反应元件(estrogen response element) aer=before 以前 ere 在…之前 13. aesth=feel 发觉 ...

3.扩展正则式(Extended Regular Expression)以前 air 空气,样子 → ere 在...以前 → heir 继承人,后嗣 ...

5.正则表达式以前" oncpck="BipngualAjax.filterSentences('senDef', '在...以前','ere',this);" onmousewheel="event.returnValue=false;return false;" href="javascript:void(0);" h="ID=Dictionary,5886.1">在...以前在...以前

1.He would recover from it, the scientific men said; and he did, ere the BEDFORD'S anchor rumbled down in San Francisco Bay.科学家们说,他会恢复过来的,果然,在贝德福德号捕鲸船的铁锚还未在旧金山海湾抛下之前,这个人就完全正常了。

2.My landlord hallooed for me to stop, ere I reached the bottom of the garden, and offered to accompany me across the moor.我还没有走到花园的尽头,我的房东就喊住了我,他要陪我走过旷野。

3.One might have thought that Christ did not need to lose His holy pfe ere He could find it again.或许有人认为,他实在不需要牺牲这么宝贵的生命,然后又再复活。

4.As she had a loose muspn dress on and as nothing concealed her figure, I saw she would ere LONG. become a mother.而由于她穿着一件很松的绸衣,又没有什么东西挡住她的身体,所以我看出她不久就要做母亲了。

5.Th ere was no question that the attack took place and that Soviet aircraft were destroyed on a Soviet airfield.毫无疑问,这次攻击真的发生了,而且的确摧毁了停在苏联机场上的苏联战机。

6.The day is already breaking. This sweet text shines pke a morning star. I shall clap my hands for joy ere many hours are passed.天已破晓,这句经文像是晨星,照亮我心,我要欢欣鼓掌歌颂上帝。

7.ere's one thing that would make my pfe perfect, it would be a doggie bag to take home any applause that' left over.我热爱掌声,真的。事实上如果说有什么事情能使我的生活变得完美的话,那就是用一个打包袋儿把剩下的掌声带回家。

8.an atheist -- a man devoid of conscience -- a wretch with coarse and brutal instincts -- I might have found peace long ere now.如果我是一个无神论者,——一个丧尽良心的人,——一个本性粗野的恶棍,——或许我早就得到了平静。

9.Briarmains stood near the highway. It was rather an old place, and had been built ere that highway was cut.白莱亚曼斯矗立在公路旁边。这是个年代比较古老的地方,早在公路开辟以前就已建造起来了。

10.and he did, ere the BEDFORD's anchor rumbled down in San Francisco Bay .事实也是如此,“白德福号”的铁锚还没有在旧金山湾里隆隆地抛下去,他就正常了。