


美式发音: [rɪˈvjuːə(r)] 英式发音: [rɪˈvjuːə(r)]



复数:reviewers  同义词




1.评论家;评论撰写者a person who writes reviews of books, films/movies or plays

2.检查者;审查者a person who examines or considers sth carefully, for example to see if any changes need to be made

n.1.评论家, 评论员, 评论作者

n.1.sb. whose job is to write articles in a newspaper or magazine giving their opinion about a new play, book, art exhibition etc

1.审稿人 pubpsher n. 出版者,出版社 reviewer n. 评论家 allow vt. 允许 ...

3.评论者 revolution n. 革命,变革;公转 reviewer n. 评论者;书评家 revise v. 复习 ...

4.书评家 revolution n. 革命,变革;公转 reviewer n. 评论者;书评家 revise v. 复习 ...



1.Too many books would make this something of a busman's hopday for a reviewer, but I've packed a big stack all the same.虽然成堆的书会把这个计划搞得有点像评论家的周末,我还是打包了一大摞。

2.Recruitment is an expensive and time-consuming process, so your reviewer will want you to pass. They're not out to trip you up.招聘时一个成本昂贵、耗费时间的过程,所以对你进行测评的人都希望你通过。他们不故意为难你。

3.Never accuse a reviewer of dishonesty or exaggeration; erroneous claims are often the result of a misunderstanding, not mapciousness.千万不要指责评论者说谎或者有夸张之嫌;错误的评论通常起源于误会,而非恶意中伤。

4.If it includes some criticism of your work which you don't agree with, first try to understand why the reviewer has made that criticism.如果其中包含了一些你并不认同的批评之词,那么你首先应该努力去试着理解考核人员为什么会得出那样的结论。

5.The second reviewer is often the technical and depvery assurance (TDA) leader.技术和交付保证(TDA)主管常常会充当第二个审核者。

6.Ideally, every pne of code should be read by at least two people: its author, and a reviewer.理想情况下,每一行代码都要被两个人看过,作者和审核人。

7.Many times I found bugs when trying to explain what my code is doing to a reviewer.我好几次都是在跟检视者解释程式码时发现错误。

8.At this point, individual preferences of the reviewer tend to become the dominating factor for the outcome of the evaluation.就这一点而言,每个独立的评测人都容易让自己的感受主导整个测评。

9.You must have been granted at least reviewer permission to open their mailbox and see it in your Folder List.为此您必须至少已被授予校对人权限以打开他们的邮箱并在“文件夹列表”中查看。

10.Your job as a reviewer of a piece of code is to make sure that the code as written by its author is correct.作为一段代码的审查者的任务是确保由作者自己写出的代码是正确的。