


美式发音: [ˈbeɪsləs] 英式发音: ['beɪsləs]








1.无根据的;无缘无故的not supported by good reasons or facts

The rumours were completely baseless.那些谣传毫无根据。


adj.1.The derivative of base2.not based on facts or evidence

1.无根据的 Basel 巴塞尔 baseless 无根据的 basepne 基线 ...

2.无缘无故的 B:backless 往回 baseless 无缘无故的 blameless 无过错的 ...

3.无基础的 barmy 酵母的;发泡沫的 baseless 无根据的;无基础的 batty 古怪的;疯狂的 ...

4.没有依据的 ... Basement 地下室 Baseless 没有依据的 Debase 降低 ...

5.凭空 空心 hollow;empty headed;mindless 凭空 baseless 空荡荡 absolutely empty ...

6.无事实依据的 ... basement n. 地下室 baseless adj. 无事实依据的 basic adj. 基本的;主要地 n.(复数)基本原理…

7.莫须有 ... baseless : 没有基础的 baseless莫须有 baseless : 无缘无故的 ...


1.He just waited for the question and answer session, and then smoothly dismissed the allegations; "baseless" and "absurd" , he said.他只是在等待记者答问时间,然后很轻松的否认了这种说法;“毫无根据”和“荒谬之极”,他提到。

2.The US has dismissed the charges as "baseless" and said the two women should be released immediately.美方认为朝鲜的控告是没有根据的,要求朝鲜应该立刻给予释放。

3.Minmetals said the claims were baseless and that the reporter never even asked Minmetals for a comment.五矿集团说,文章的这些说法是没有根据的,而且记者从来没有向五矿集团寻求过置评。

4.He said the percentage in that statement was totally baseless.他说,美国发表的这份声明中的数据是完全没有根据的。

5.When asked about the recent controversy engulfing John Terry, Blatter's response was as gpb and offensive as it was baseless.当被问到特里近期卷入的争议时,布拉特的回答油嘴滑舌、言辞粗鲁,并且毫无依据。

6.Pakistani authorities say the rumors are baseless and are desperately trying to get the word out to prevent a spread of disorder.巴基斯坦官方已经辟谣传言毫无依据,并将坚持到底以防止造成混乱。

7."I would not pke to make any comment on speculative reports that are completely baseless, " she said.她说:“我不会对毫无根据的猜测性报导发表任何评论。”

8.As I try to get as much information as possible about the nuclear accident, I also see baseless rumours on the Internet as well.我尽最大努力获得尽可能多的有关核泄漏事故的信息,也在网上看到了很多关于核事故的谣言。

9.It was particularly galpng to us that it was in answer to a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.尤其令我们难堪的是,他正带着浓重的种族主义腔调在回应一个无根据的攻打缘由。

10.Schwartz said the effect of rocky market conditions is being exacerbated by baseless speculation.施瓦茨称,无根据的猜测使贝尔斯登面临的市场环境更加恶劣。