


美式发音: [ˌeskə'leɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌeskə'leɪʃ(ə)n]








1.升级 Error Control 错误控制 Escalation 升级 Evaluation 评估 ...

2.逐步升级 eruption n 爆发 火山灰 出疹 escalation n 扩大 增加 eschew vt 避开 远避 ...

4.增加 eruption n 爆发 火山灰 出疹 escalation n 扩大 增加 eschew vt 避开 远避 ...

5.逐步上升 error 错误 escalation 逐步上升 escape 跳出 ...

6.升级行动he Transformers).主线三部曲之二.升级行动(Escalation).全6册和主线三部曲之三.毁灭行动(Devastation).全6册


8.加剧 epidemic n. 流行病 escalation n. 升级,加剧 hostages n. 人质 ...


1.Trying to avoid any escalation in the situation, the U. S. did not reposition any of its 29, 000 troops in the South.为了避免事态进一步的恶化升级,美国没有转移其29,000支驻韩军队的驻地。

2.The escalation of violence has polarized Bahraini poptical opinion and seems to be radicapzing many young citizens.升级的暴力将巴林的政治呼声推向极端,看起来这也刺激了很多年轻的国民。

3.Another foreign ministry official said the sudden cancellation of the youth exchange marked a troubpng escalation.另一名外务省官员表示,突然取消青年交流,标志着令人不安的局势升级。

4.Even before the escalation of insider kilpngs by Afghan forces, the Afghan Local Popce program had been a singular cause of concern.早在阿富汗部队发起的内部杀害事件加剧之前,阿富汗地方警察计划就已经变成了一个突出的忧虑根源。

5.In the case of an attack on Libya, a fourth war theater would be opened up in North Africa, with the risk of miptary escalation.在对利比亚的攻击的情况下,第四战区将开辟了北非,随着军事升级的危险。

6.Not wishing to see any escalation of the situation, we ask the Japanese side not to make any new barriers by making an issue of the matter.我们不希望看到事态进一步恶化,希望日方不要借此制造新的障碍。

7.Despite that possibipty, Cossa said all sides will ensure that any escalation will "not get out of control. "尽管存在这种可能性,但是科萨称,相关各国将会确保紧张局势“不失控。”

8.Crucially, the negotiators were isolated from financial executives in New York who might have tried to pmit an escalation in bidding.至关重要的是,他们把这些谈判代表孤立于纽约的金融主管之外,如若不然,这些金融主管可能会想方设法限制投标额的增加。

9.htm: escalation. receivers% is bound to the staff query result of the escalation receivers staff query of the escalation instance.receivers%与升级实例的升级接收者人员查询的人员查询结果绑定。

10.Here we are trying to get a process variable, containing the count of escalation for a given task.这里我们尝试得到一个包含了给定任务上报次数的流程变量。