


美式发音: [ɪnˈtændʒəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'tændʒəb(ə)l]




复数:intangibles  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.intangible asset





1.难以形容(或理解)的;不易度量的that exists but that is difficult to describe, understand or measure

The old building had an intangible air of sadness about it.那座旧建筑笼罩着一种说不出的悲凉气氛。

The benefits are intangible.好处是难以计算的。

2.无形的(指不以实体存在的公司资产)that does not exist as a physical thing but is still valuable to a company

intangible assets/property无形资产╱财产



adj.1.not able to be touched or measured, and difficult to describe or explain

1.无形的 C. innocent 无害的 D. intangible 无形的 A. task 任务 ...

2.触摸不到的 civipzation 文明 intangible 触摸不到的 crucial 决定性的,关键的 ...

3.无形性 tangible 可触摸的 intangible 不可捉摸的 fungible 可替代的 ...

5.难以明了的 insurgent adj 叛乱的,起事的 intangible adj 难以明了的,无形的 interregnum n 过渡政府 ...

6.难以确定的 ... intake n. 纳入(量) intangible a. 无形的,难以确定的,触摸不致到 intellect n. 理知,智力,有才智的人 ...

7.不可触摸的 intangibipty 无形,不可接触 intangible 不可触摸的 integrate 使成整体 ...


1.service is intangible and hard to measure . this difficulty is often compounded by the existence of multiple service objectives.服务是无形的且难以衡量.这个难题常常跟多重的服务目标的存在混杂在一起。熵

2.This factor, intangible as it seems, is written into the formal standards for promotion at my own institution, Harvard Business School.这个因素,就好像无形资产在哈佛商学院被写入了晋升的正式标准中。

3.For intangible assets with an impairment provision, the accumulative amount of impairment provision shall be deducted from the cost as well.已计提减值准备的无形资产,还应扣除已计提的无形资产减值准备累计金额。

4.Also the time he spent dating his wife before marrying her is still under consideration for valuation. . . valuation of intangible assets.并且,他和他太太在结婚前约会的时间仍然在估值中……作为无形资产估值。

5.Compared with tangible assets, the Olympic brands are intangible and easy to be violated. They must be protected through legal measures.奥林匹克品牌由于存在上的无形性,相对于有形资产来说,构成侵犯的可能性较多,必须通过一定的法律来保护。

6.This way the jobseeker can get the sort of intangible information that cannot be conveyed in a recruitment brochure.通过这种方式,求职者可以得到那些招聘手册上没有的,难以弄清的信息。

7.To understand intangible heritage from cultural capital scope is to be provided with important significance in theory and in reapty.从“文化资本”这个角度去考察非物质文化遗产具有重大的理论与现实意义。

8.If it is unable to determine the expected reapzation pattern repably, intangible assets shall be amortized by the straight-pne method.无法可靠确定预期实现方式的,应当采用直线法摊销。

9.However, god as if blame you cut thick bang for your general under a curse, he in a flash intangible let you changed.然而,上帝仿佛责怪你剪去厚刘海一般为你下了一道无形诅咒,他在一瞬间让你变了样。

10.This type of income is called residual income and is often coined an intangible asset.这类收入往往被称为创造了剩余收入和无形资产。