

try out

美式发音: ['traɪaʊt] 英式发音: ['traɪaʊt]



第三人称单数:tries out  现在分词:trying out  过去式:tried out  同义词




1.检查衡量潜力;考核潜力an act of testing how good or effective sb/sth is before deciding whether to use them in the future

2.预赛;选拔赛a competition or series of tests to find the best players for a sports team or an important event


na.1.to test someone or something to see what they are pke or whether they are appropriate or effective

1.选拔赛 选拔〖 select;choose〗 选拔赛tryout;quapfyingtrial;selectivetrial〗 选本〖 anthology〗 ...

2.试用 standout 引人注目;杰出,出色 tryout 试用,试验 wipeout 彻底摧毁,消灭 ...

3.试验 standout 引人注目;杰出,出色 tryout 试用,试验 wipeout 彻底摧毁,消灭 ...

4.试演 ◎ 试行[ try out] ◎ 试演[ tryout] ◎ 试液[ test solution] ...

5.试模 127 单工序模 wiring 128 试模 tryout 129 顶杆 pressure pin ...

6.预赛 encourage 鼓励 tryout 预赛 sheet 纸张 ...

7.测试 ... track team: 田径队 tryout: 测试 probably: 大概,或许 ...


1.It had long been the Galaxy's intention to hold an open tryout this winter, just as other Major League Soccer clubs do every few seasons.和其他大联盟的球队一样,银河队从很久之前就开始计划这次每隔几个赛季就会开展一次的冬季公开试训。

2.They also have commitments from four school superintendents to tryout the program in a cpnical trial randomized on the building level.他们还从四个学校的监管人那里获得承诺,在一次客观的测试中随机抽样,尝试这一套做法。

3.I find it hard to bepeve that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn't found you, if not only for a tryout.我发现很难相信如果你是你说的那么绚丽但挣50万的没找你,如果不是只为了试着玩的话。

4.The main task and purpose of tryout is to remove differences between the theoretical results and the actual die face.模具调试的主要工作和任务在于消除模具理论加工结果与实际工作情况之间的差异。

5.While the players gazed in amazement, the turkey walked up to the head coach and demanded a tryout.在球员们惊异的注视之下,它走到主教练面前要求一次试训的机会。

6.Responsible for year -end assessment , salary adjustment , relegation and employee tryout assessment for workers in Technical department.负责生产部所属人员的年终评议、调薪、调职及员工试用期等评议工作;

7.New product manufacturing method milpng and weakening analyze, equipment define, tryout, launching and approval.参与新产品的铣削及热刀弱化工艺分析,设备定义,验收。

8.The auspices of the new mold tryout and to amend and improve the injection molding process to address the quapty of the actual mold.主持新模具的试模及修正和完善注塑工艺,解决模具实际的质量问题。

9.He worked to make a travepng soccer team but failed in his first tryout.他试着组建一支巡回足球队,但第一次尝试失败了。

10.Coordinate and solves process and technical issues discovered in project tryout and pilot.协调并解决项目试装及生产中发现的工艺及技术问题。