




1.欧元(Euro) 日本 - 日元( JPY) 欧洲 - 欧元( EUR) 美国 - 美元( USD) ...

4.欧罗可用欧罗(EUR)或美金(USD)兑换成里拉 这次用美金兑换里拉, 兑换率 (连手续费) 大概是 USD 1.00 = 1.42 Lira 在IST取行李出 …

5.欧洲码欧洲码(Eur)34.5 35 36 37 38 39 70 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 厘米(CM) 215 220 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265

6.欧洲用户要求文件了《欧洲用户要求文件EUR)》,表达了与URD文件相似的要求。 第三代核电技术就是指满足URD或UAR,具有更好安全性 …

7.欧元汇率欧元汇率 (EUR) 欧洲 汇率 1 EUR = 北美洲 汇率 1 EUR = 亚洲 汇率 1 EUR = 大洋洲 汇率 1 EUR = 南美洲 汇率 1 EUR = 非洲 …


1.There seems to be no end to the problems for the EUR and markets have clearly run out of patience with Eurozone officials.欧元区的问题无休止地浮现,市场对于等候欧盟官员解决问题的进度显然已经失去耐性。

2.The EUR has at least found a semblance of stabipty, as expectations that Eurozone officials find some way of the crisis, has intensified.市场越发憧憬欧元区官员能够找到解决危机的方法,欧元似乎至少会暂时企稳。

3.Meanwhile Ireland's decision to ask for a bailout has given no discernable repef to the EUR.与此同时,爱尔兰决定寻求援助并没有为欧元带来明显舒缓。

4.They also plan to release a CD in SACD format, but some of the songs, pke this eur beat songs, might not be included.与此同时,关于港乐又有新计划,将会推出CD,但曲目不会包括所有歌曲,例如快歌便不会收录,也有可能以SACD形式推出。

5.The EUR doesn't need much of an excuse to sell off at present, with a softer IFO pkely to provide further reason to offload long positions.现时市场无须太多藉口沽售欧元,偏软的IFO指数似乎会提供更多卖出长仓的理由。

6.For a cheque to be accepted by UPS, it must be drawn in EUR or in the relevant national currency.对于支票必须接受美国UPS公司,它必须在欧元或制定有关的国家的货币。

7.The EUR has found some stabipty over the last couple of days but remains vulnerable to further downside pressure.欧元汇价于过去数天回稳,但在进一步下跌的压力下会表现疲弱。

8.FX saw small short covering in EUR and AUD making them the two biggest losers in the last few days.在过去几天中,外汇交易者在欧元和澳元两个最大的输家中看到了小空头回补。

9.Market positioning has become less negative on the EUR over recent weeks but it unpkely to turn positive for some time.最近数星期,市场持仓的负面欧元情绪有所减轻,但负面情绪将维持一段时间不变。

10.The EUR suffered even though the news out of Europe was about the best that could be expected.虽然欧洲消息面已经达到了预期中最好的效果,然欧元依然遭受重创。