


美式发音: [ˈɛvənz] 英式发音: [ˈevənz]




n.1.【姓氏】埃文斯; 伊文思2.埃文斯

1.埃文斯 Evan 埃文 Evans 埃文思 Eve 伊夫 ...

6.伊凡斯 区,受贿31000元,判刑两年半),艾文斯Evans,21 区,受贿7300元,判刑41月),琼斯( J…

8.艾万斯罗森格兰加入芝加哥联邦准备银行总裁艾万斯Evans)呼吁同僚,采取更多步骤,降低近3年来盘旋在8.1%的失业率。根据彭 …


1.As you might expect, the approach Evans takes onto the pitch is dictated by his central defensive partner.你能猜到,埃文斯在场上还只是搭档手下的小兵。

2.Chicago Federal Reserve president Charles Evans on Friday said the United States was "tentatively" emerging from a severe recession.芝加哥联邦储备银行总裁埃文斯周五指出,美国“暂时走出严重衰退”。

3.I'll hopefully have Jonny Evans fit for Saturday, although it's a bit of a risk as he's been out for so long.我希望易万斯在星期六将恢复健康,虽然还是有点风险,因为他有那么久都没有比赛了。

4.In August, Evans received a private message from someone she had cut out of her pfe a few years previously.去年8月,埃文斯收到了一条个人信息,来自她几年前断绝往来的一个人。

5.It's easy to form this idea that Evans is just a hunk without brains.这样的优点也让人们觉得埃文斯就是一个只注重身材而脑袋空空的“花瓶”。

6.As Sue worked on her material for Dee Evans, something extraordinary happened-it developed from a brief reading into a play.正当苏忙着准备为迪•伊文斯朗读的材料时,一件奇妙的事发生了——她把一篇短文改写成了一部剧。

7.Many of the children Ms Evans sees do not want to talk at all, regarding grown-ups as untrustworthy or irrelevant.埃文斯女士发现,许多孩子压根就不想讲话,他们认为,成年人都不可靠或者与己无关。

8.Twenty minutes later, as he turned off his radio and went to bed, Evans could still hear the ship sending its passengers' telegrams.二十分钟后,他关掉了收音机和去睡觉,伊万斯仍然能听到船的旅客发送电报。

9.Mrs. Evans: Try the bottom left-hand corner of the cupboard. If it's not there, have a look in the drawer of the sideboard.埃文斯太太:去碗柜的左边角落底看看。如果不在那得话,可以去看看餐具柜的抽屉。

10.That approach, says Chris Evans, the immigration minister, was designed for a world in which people did not move much.澳大利亚移民部长伊文斯(CHRISEVANS)表示,这一方式为世界“量身定做”,人们可以不再多次东奔西跑。