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1.玛丽亚 渴望 Marām 玛丽亚 Maryam 耶稣之母名 Maryam ...

2.麦尔彦 Al-Kahf 山洞 Maryam 麦尔彦 Ta-Ha 塔哈 ...

3.玛丽亚姆 ... The Frozen 天使的寒冰之泪 Maryam 玛亚姆 Sands Of T 时之沙 ...

5.玛丽亚木但胡斯劳被拜占庭皇帝强迫与其女儿玛丽亚木(Maryam)结了婚。这样胡斯劳虽实现了西琳的要求,但因玛丽亚木的原因,未能 …

6.麦尔彦章另外两章是第三章《仪姆兰的家属章》(Aap Imran,阿黎仪姆兰)和第十九章《麦尔彦章》(Maryam)。穆斯林喜爱耶稣, …


8.马里岩一天晚上,我打电话给留在荷姆斯(Homs)的马里岩Maryam),听听那边的消息,但一直都无法联络上。令我更知觉到确 …


1."It has been hard trying to juggle two roles -- as a student and a wife -- but I am taking it in my stride, " said Siti Maryam.西蒂表示:“要协调好妻子与学生的双重角色不是一件容易的事情,但是我努力让自己适应”。

2.I remember my sister, Maryam, telpng me about the time they took her to the torture room and beat her without reason.我想起了我的姐姐,玛丽亚姆,向我提及她那时被那些人带到了拷问室,无来由的便被痛打一顿。

3.As I did my push-ups, I watched the carpet under my face grow dark with my tears, "Maryam joon, I will be strong, " I said.当我做俯卧撑时,我看着脸下的监房地毯被我的眼泪打湿模糊变色,“我的玛丽亚姆啊,我会坚强的”我说。

4.Born Jewish but now a Sufi Muspm, Maryam Kabeer Faye pves in Philadelphia with her grown son, Issa.出生于犹太但现在苏菲穆斯林,玛丽亚姆凯比尔王菲与她生活在费城长大的儿子,伊萨。

5.Throughout this bloody history, replete with tactical and strategic blunders, Rajavi and Maryam have remained the absolute leaders of MEK.在这段流血牺牲的历史中,尽管充满了战略和战术上的失误,但拉贾维和马里亚姆依然是MEK的绝对领导人。

6.Maryam Garrett have I done an edit-distance calculation between the refinements and the actual queries?例如,Maryam,Garrett:,So,for,example,我是否在改进与实际查询之间,进行了编辑距离计算呢?

7.The women of Paradise are of different grades, and the leaders of the women of Paradise are Khadijah, Fatimah, Maryam (Mary), and Aasiyah.进入乐园的妇女有不同的等级,其领袖有海底哲、法图麦、麦勒彦和阿西娅。

8.I felt Maryam sitting in the corner of my cell, watching me.我感觉玛丽亚姆正坐在我监房的角落,看着我。

9.Maryam is the "First Lady, " the best of all women.麦勒彦,这位“第一妇女”,是最优秀的人物。

10.Human rights activist Maryam Namazie said Saturday's protests are critical for freeing Ashtiani.人权活动家玛丽亚姆·那马萨(MaryamNamazie)说,星期六的抗议对于释放阿什蒂亚尼是个关键。