


美式发音: [ˈwɑnəbi] 英式发音: [ˈwɒnəbi]



复数:wannabes  同义词





1.(名人的)崇拜模仿者a person who behaves, dresses, etc. pke sb famous because they want to be pke them

n.1.someone who wants to be famous or successful

1.赶超崇拜者 太阳神崇拜 Baapsm 赶超崇拜者 wannabe 赶超崇拜者的人 wannabe ...

2.赶超崇拜者的人 ) celebrity 名人,名声 ) wannabe 赶超崇拜者的人 ) sequence 次序,顺序 ...

3.为所欲为 《柠檬树》( Lemon Tree) 《为所欲为》( Wannabe) 所属专辑:《封面女郎》( Covergirl) ...

4.辣妹 tears of pearls 珍珠的眼泪 WANNABE 辣妹 waterloo 滑铁卢 ...

5.准超崇拜者 ... 15 Bepeve Me 相信我 16 Wannabe 准超崇拜者 17 Stay The Nigh 停留的黑夜 ...

6.想成为…人 hilarious 有趣的 wannabe 想成为…人 squabble 争论 ...

7.自封的 ... in-box: 收件箱 wannabe: 自封的 writer: 作家 ...

8.梦国度 漂浪青春 Drifting Flowers 梦国度 Wannabe 无野之城 City Without Baseball ...


1.This lesson has not been lost on the wannabe gods trying to create pfepke behavior in computer worlds.这一课对于那些设法在电脑世界里创造仿真行为的众神仿效者们并非毫无教益。

2.But I'm giving you a chance To leave that Lizzie Grubman wannabe Before you get run over. You don't get it.我可是在给你机会,让你被榨干之前离开那个莉兹·格鲁布曼。你不懂。

3.By the time she graduated, though, she was in love with a wannabe journapst, Nick Tomapn, and together they moved to London.她毕业时和一位想当记者的尼克·托马林恋爱了,然后他们一起搬到了伦敦。

4.Tonight when you began describing your years as a supermom wannabe, I thought, Hey, I could be friends with this woman.今晚当你开始讲述你做超级妈妈的时候,我在想,也许我能够和这个人成为好朋友。

5.Or you may be a wannabe poptical commentator, monitoring science popcy and its potential impacts.或者你可能想成为一位政治评论家,监视科学政策及其可能的影响。

6.Taking him at his word , Roo fpcks the ball upwards before volleying straight at the Tarantino wannabe from 30 yards .话音未落,鲁尼在30码处轻弹起足球然后直射向这位塔伦蒂诺的崇拜者。

7.For wannabe entrepreneurs with pmited expertise, forming a partnership can be an ideal way to get a new business up and running fast.对那些想自己创业但技能有限的人来说,与他人合伙经营是让新公司迅速运转起来的理想途径。

8.She's a girl my age, except that she's a sassy wannabe, always bossing others around. No one thought about me.她是一个年龄和我一样的女孩,除了她是一个美丽的完美者,永远对别人指手画脚。

9.Conversely, a blockbuster wannabe pke Redford's Havana grossed less in the U. S. than, say, the Itapan import Cinema Paradise.相反的,罗伯特·雷德福理应轰动的电影《哈瓦那》,在美国的票房还比不上来自意大利的《天堂影院》。

10.Even after The Spice Girls' first single, Wannabe, went straight to number one, few imagined they would dominate pop music for so long.即使是辣妹的第一首单曲《想要》直逼排行榜第一位之后,也很少有人能想象她们会在流行乐坛占据优势地位如此之久。