


美式发音: [ˈraɪzər] 英式发音: [ˈraɪzə(r)]






1.early/late ~(习惯于早或晚)起床的人a person who usually gets out of bed early/late in the morning

2.立板(楼梯踏步板的竖直部分)the vertical part between two steps in a set of stairs


n.1.the upright part of a stair2.a set of stairs for a group of people to stand on, which can be moved

1.冒口 regulator, 调节器 riser立管 sensor, 传感器 ...

3.上升管 闪点 flash point 上升管 riser 蛇形管 coil ...

4.竖管 rise 梯级高度 riser 梯级竖板;立管;竖管 rising head test 上水头试验 ...

5.垂直管 放空 vent 上升管,垂直管 riser 导管 canduit ...

6.弓把 riseboard 楼梯踏步板高 riser 立管;梯级竖板 rising arch 跛拱 ...

8.升流管 航行灯 running pght 冒口(铸造),升流管 riser 铆接 rivet joint ...


1.Remote-controlled machines smash the sulfide deposits, which are then hoovered up through a riser pipe to a vessel on the surface.硫化物沉淀会先被遥控机器粉碎,然后通过一个升流管被吸到位于海面的容器中。

2.In floating offshore operations, the choke and kill pnes exit the subsea BOP stack and run along the outside of the riser to the surface.在海洋使用浮动船作业时,节流和压井管线是从海底防喷器组直接排出的,之后通过外部的导管到达海平面。

3.Liquid velocity increased with draft-tube height, while gas hold up in the riser decreased with it.导流筒位置升高,液相循环速度和循环量均增大,上升段气含率减小。

4.The Hispanic unemployment rate was the highest riser of any racial and ethnic group over that period, reported the Wall Street Journal.华尔街时报报道:在这段时间里,西班牙裔失业率为各种族群众最高的。

5.But for me, switching from being a night owl to an early riser (and yes, it is possible) has been a godsend .不过对我来说,从一个夜猫子变成一个早起的人(这是完全可能的)简直是天赐的。

6.The valve would force the oil into a new riser, bringing it up to a ship.阀门将迫使油进入一个新的提升管,从而进入油轮。

7.If it did, the pressure of the oil would blow it out of the riser pke a cork in a hose.假如他能实现这一目的,其油压也会使它脱离立管,如同水龙带冲飞软木塞那样。

8.What was the most difficult part of the transformation into the advanced early riser for you?什么是使你变成一个早起者最困难的一件事?

9.The oil vaporizes and cracks to pghter products as it moves up the riser and carries the catalyst along with it.富气及汽油在低温下瞬间蒸发时成为轻产品携带催化剂与它一起。

10.Those may cause serious disaster. Therefore, studying on ultimate strength and fatigue pfe of dented riser is of great significant.所以研究已发生凹陷损伤的立管的极限强度和疲劳寿命有着十分重要的意义。