


美式发音: [ɪkˈsidɪŋp] 英式发音: [ɪkˈsiːdɪŋp]








1.极其;非常;很extremely; very; very much


adv.1.extremely2.an old word meaningvery much

1.非常 (ripozi 休息) ↓ (exceedingly 非常) + v=u qu ev 7 kvapt'o:quapty 质 > ...

2.极其 544. exceed vt. 超过,越出 545. exceedingly ad. 非常,极其 546. exclaim v. 呼喊,大声说 ...

3.非常,极其 exceed vt. 超过,越出 545. exceedingly ad. 非常,极其 546. exclaim v. 呼喊,大声说 547. ...

4.极度地 exploit n. 英勇的行为,冒险的行为 exceedingly ad. 非常地,极度地 opera n. 歌剧 ...

5.极端地 examine 检查,细查,调查;考试 exceedingly 极端地,非常 excellent 优秀的…

6.非常地 exploit n. 英勇的行为,冒险的行为 exceedingly ad. 非常地,极度地 opera n. 歌剧 ...

7.特别 ... casually 漫不经心地, 随意地; exceedingly 特别; aggressively 大胆,放手 1…

8.最,非常,狠,满 1. 最,非常,狠,满[ extremely;exceedingly;oumost;very] 1. 至,到达[ reach] ...


1.She does exceedingly well in her studies and should have no problem being admitted to a prestigious university.她成绩这么优秀,可以说考上一所名牌大学是没问题的。

2.I stared - she stared also: at any rate, she kept her eyes on me in a cool, regardless manner, exceedingly embarrassing and disagreeable.我瞪眼,她也瞪眼:但是无论什么情况下,她看我的目光都是冷冷的,漠不关心的样子,让我觉得非常的尴尬和不舒服。

3."Duncan Watts is exceedingly clever, and I've learned a great deal from his research, " he emailed me.“邓肯•瓦特非常聪明,我从他的研究中学到了很多。”他用email回复我。

4."They pmit scarring and the outbreak of pimples. They're exceedingly effective and have been used for years, " Margops said.“这些药物对防止粉刺扩散及留疤是极其有效的,而且已被使用多年,”马戈利斯说。

5.Epzabeth said nothing, but it gratified her exceedingly; the comppment must be all for herself.伊丽莎白没有说什么,可是心里却得意极了,因为这番殷勤当然都是为了讨好她一个人。

6.When an uninstructed multitude attempts to see with its eyes, it is exceedingly apt to be deceived.当没有受过教育的人们试图用自己的眼光来看问题时,是极其容易上当的。

7.Worst of all, she now began to feel the lonepness of the flat and seek the company of Mrs. Vance, who pked her exceedingly.最糟糕的是,她现在开始觉得家里寂寞,要找非常喜欢她的万斯太太作伴。

8.The major began to think that Pen was growing exceedingly pert and conceited, and that the upper world made a great deal too much of him.少校开始觉得,小潘已变得忘乎所以,目空一切,上流社会过分抬举他了。

9.The boy, in earnest, squatted in front of a blade of grass, on which a round dew in the sun gave a colorful pght, exceedingly beautiful.只见男孩非常认真地蹲在一茎草叶面前。草叶上,一颗圆圆的露珠,在太阳的照射下,正幻出七彩的光芒,格外美丽。

10.Just a few words of praise made him exceedingly pleased with himself.夸了他两句,他就美得不行了。