




1.泥潭 泥胎[ unpainted clay idol] 泥潭[ mud puddle] 泥炭[ peat;turf] ...

2.泥坑 ... manure pit 粪坑 mud puddle 泥坑 jumping pit 沙坑{体} ...

3.泥水坑9家拒绝了他,只有一家愿意出版他的《泥水坑》(Mud Puddle)。逐渐地他的书越出越多,他不仅辞了职,还辞了美国,变成加 …


1.I tossed my first-baseman's mitt up in the air and tried to have it land on my head, but it fell in a mud puddle.我把我的一垒手手套丢起来再让它漂亮地落在我的头上,但它只是掉进了烂泥地里。

2.Billy had been naughty all day, but he really brought his parents'anger down on his head by pushing his pttle sister into a mud puddle.比利整天淘气,这回由于他把小妹妹推到泥浆中,他父母可真的生气了。

3.She said she tries to get water from a well, but if there is no well nearby she gets it from a mud puddle.她说她会尽量从井里打水,如果附近没有,则从泥地水坑里取水。

4.I will not bathe my master after he bathes himself in the mud puddle.在我的主人自己已经洗过泥水澡以后,我不会给他再洗一遍澡。

5.The scientific inquirer may behold a world of wonders in a mud puddle, but for the ordinary man it is something best left alone.在这个烂泥沼泽里,科学的研究者也许注意到有什麽奇迹。但是对于一般人而言,最后保持距离为妙。

6.Your friend says "You look great" when you just fell in a mud puddle.你朋友在你跌进泥潭的时候说“你看起来真好”

7.A mud puddle came in sight after walking further.往前走了一点,她看到一个泥潭。

8.The boy hopped the mud puddle and ran down the walk .这个男孩跳过泥坑,沿着人行道跑了。

9."Go out and jump in the mud puddle, " he would tell the girls.出去,到泥坑里嬉戏吧,“他会这样告诉女儿。”

10.I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make a sidewalk with rocks.我要在一个刚注满水的泥坑里漂流木棍,用岩石建造一条人行道。