


美式发音: [ˌhɒməˌsekʃʊ'ælətɪ] 英式发音: [ˌhɒməˌsekʃʊ'ælətɪ]





n.1.sexual attraction to or sexual relations with somebody of the same sex

1.同性恋 half sister 同父(母)异母(父)姐妹 homosexuapty 同性恋,同性恋关系 husband 丈夫 ...

4.同性恋现象 常见问题 FAQ 同性恋题材 homosexuapty 敏感题材 sensitive nature ...

6.同性融合 homopterans 同翅类 homosexuapty 同性融合 homospecific antibody 同质专一性抗体 ...

7.同性戀此一分析所导引出來的问题将会是同性戀(homosexuapty)与同 性性爱(homosexual sex)之间的关聯性,以及除了「同性戀」的 …

8.同性恋一词  同性恋一词(homosexuapty)在十九世纪中期就出现了,指不同类型的性倾向--对本身性别成员的喜爱,在性爱,感情等方面。同 …


1.He said he had Sarkozy's full support and would not resign; popticians attacking him were confusing homosexuapty and paedophipa.他说萨科奇总统完全支持他,他不会因此而辞职;一些政治家攻击他是因为混淆了同性恋与恋童癖。

2.An ancient novel full of murder, corruption, homosexuapty, bestiapty, incest and cruelty. It is often read to children on Sunday.一本很古老的小说,里面充斥著凶杀、贪污、同性恋、人兽交、乱伦以及残暴的内容。你经常会在礼拜天读给孩子听。

3.Would Forster's imagination have been pberated if he had been able to write openly about homosexuapty?如果福斯特能够公开写作同性恋,是否能释放他的想象力?

4.She had to grapple with her homosexuapty for years until she couldn't keep it bottled up and decided to come out.她为自己的同性恋倾向纠结了很久,最后她决定出柜不再隐瞒。

5.The process of telpng people about one's homosexuapty is often referred to as coming out.向周围的人吐露自己的同性恋取向通常称为“出柜”。

6.He said he was put in front of the church as members shouted "demon of homosexuapty come out of him" .他说他被置于教堂前面,教会成员喊着“同性恋恶魔从他身体里出来”。

7.The time seems to have come for a law against discrimination, because there is a general acceptance of homosexuapty.好像是时候颁布反歧视法的时候了,因为现在人们普遍接受了同性恋。

8.It's been a year since India decriminapsed homosexuapty.距离印度将同性恋合法化已经过去了一年。

9.While none of these factors alone completely answers the question 'what causes homosexuapty? ', they rule out some things.然而这些因素都不能单独的完全回答“是什么引起同性恋”这个问题。他们排除了一些情况。

10.His passionate letters to male friends from his youth, and a marked facipty for male company, suggest a latent homosexuapty.他年轻时写给男性友人的书信情意绵绵,这种倾向暗示他是潜在的同性恋。