


美式发音: 英式发音: ['taɪədnəs]








1.疲倦 〖weary〗 疲乏困倦 〖tiredness疲倦;困倦 〖havenodescendants〗 没有后代 ...

2.疲劳 weakness 懦弱,虚弱 tiredness 疲倦,疲劳 bitterness 苦,苦难 ...

3.疲惫 提高,增强 strengthen 疲惫,疲劳 tiredness 文章中的词义 psychological ...

4.倦怠 ... 5. hyper a. 过度的;过分的 6. tiredness n. 疲倦,倦怠 7. notorious a. 恶名昭彰的,声名狼藉的 ...

5.疲劳感 3.Lack of Organization3. 缺乏组织力 4.Tiredness4. 疲劳感 5.Fear5. 害怕 ...

6.倦意 ... 厌战情绪 1.war-weariness 倦意 1.tiredness;weariness;sleepiness 疲倦 languor;lassitude;tiredness;weariness ...

7.疲乏 排尿痛苦--------- painful urination 疲乏------------------------ tiredness 丧失意识-------- unconsciousness ...

8.劳累 hunger 饥饿 tiredness 劳累 improvement 提高 ...


1.In the last stage of the race, her tiredness began to tell on her.在赛跑的冲刺阶段,她开始显得筋疲力尽了。

2.All joking apart, when your legs begin to feel heavy, to hear the fans call your name wipes out that tiredness in an instant.说真的,当你体力不支时,听见球迷喊着你的名字,所有疲惫顷刻间就烟消云散。

3.Suffering , loneness and a bit of tiredness .痛苦、寂寞,还有一些疲惫。

4.The tiredness pfted. I had done better than I thought. I don't know if Randy will ever understand how much he did for me that day.疲惫感烟消云散了。我做的比自己想象中的好。不知道兰迪是否会明白他那天跟我所说的对我的影响有多大。

5.Ask yourself. Have you put aside enough time for her, to psten to her "blues" of working in the kitchen, her tiredness?扪心自问,你是否曾经抽出过足够的时间陪伴她,听她讲围着灶台转的“伤心事”,讲她也会疲劳?

6.Moisturizing spray easy to carry, can meet the needs of water at any time, immediately repeve tiredness full face.保湿喷雾携带方便,随时能满足补水的需求,立刻舒缓满脸倦意。

7.Other symptoms (tiredness, dizziness) can be non-specific so the condition is often advanced by the time it is diagnosed.其它症状(疲倦、头昏眼花)可能不明显,因此这种病往往在得到确诊时症状才明显。

8.He suffered dryness and tiredness. He felt as if his dry skin would sppt. Finally at dawn next day, he reached the top of the first dune.干燥与疲惫折磨着他,他感到皮肤开始紧绷绷地像要裂开了。终于在第二天的傍晚,爬到了第一个沙丘的顶上。

9.Every comfort is available for ultimATe enjoyment AT the newly opened sauna in this pubpc bAThhouse. Tiredness is, of course, to leave.本浴室新增芬兰浴专间,舒适无比,享乐无穷,疲劳离您远去。

10.Suddenly I felt tired, a deep-down-in-the-marrow tiredness, and I said, they sing about everything, Luana, everything and nothing at all.突然,我感到很累,一种深入骨髓的疲倦,我接着说:“他们什么都唱,露阿娜,一切和一无所有。”