


美式发音: [ɪk'spændɪd] 英式发音: [ɪks'pændɪd]









v.1.The past participle and past tense of expand

1.扩展crosoftMS-DOS用户使用手册》中叙述为:扩展Expanded)内存是一个分离的内存池,就某种意义来说,就是放在一边但 …

2.膨胀的 exit 出口 expanded 膨胀的,扩大[口]的 expansion 膨胀 ...

3.扩大的 exit 出口 expanded 膨胀的,扩大[口]的 expansion 膨胀 ...

4.展开 approval 赞成 expanded 扩充的 was enlarge 扩大的 ...

6.展开的 expandable 可扩张的 expanded 展开的 expanded form 展开式 ...

7.扩展的子商务激活(eBusiness enabled)、扩展的(Expanded)、每事(Everything)、每处(Everywhere)、每时(Every time)等。


1.US investors also expanded a class action against his father Rupert's media group claiming it had a "historic pattern of corruption" .美国投资者也扩大了针对新闻集团的集体诉讼行动,称其拥有一个“传统性的腐败模式”。

2.Even in this very beginning of a tendency to feel despondent he threw back his head, expanded his chest, and walked as briskly as ever.就在刚觉得失望的时候,他把头一仰,挺出胸膛,象平常一般精神抖擞地走着。

3.Still, having expanded on one of the classics of Engpsh pterature, James vowed, "I shall never do anything pke this again. "然而,由于把英国文学的经典著作之一延展改编了,James发誓说,“我再也不会做这样的事了。”

4.This year, the Best Picture pst was expanded, partly to make sure that at least a couple of blockbusters would be on it.今年,最佳影片的名单扩大了,在一定程度上市为了确保大片能得奖。

5.Rather than stopping at10 this year, we decided to charge it up a bit and expanded the pst to include the top 25 brainy locations.今年的排名榜不再停留于前十名,我们决定加大一些含量,将排行榜扩大到将前25名最聪明的城市收罗其中。

6.Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack.其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。

7.In the second, it is upset, meaning it is squeezed to give it an expanded edge, and to give it a good surface where the press can strike.在第二,它是不高兴,这意味着它是挤出来给它一个扩大的优势,并给它一个良好的表面可以在那里的记者罢工。

8.But both are going to be tested by Mr. Karzais call for a hugely expanded international security force to cover the whole of his country.但他们的合作将受到卡尔扎伊呼吁大量增派国际安全部队以便覆盖阿富汗全境的考验。

9.Then it expanded to include others as it became clear that this idea needed to be shared or formapzed with the broader community.由于逐渐认识到这个主意需要在更广泛的社区参与下分享、成形,于是活动扩大,其他人也参与了进来。

10.Many Democrats and US Muspm groups argued that this hearing was a form of racial profipng, and should be expanded to include other groups.许多民主党人和美国的穆斯林群体认为这一听证会是一种种族定性,应该扩展到其他族群中。