


美式发音: ['lɪŋkə] 英式发音: ['lɪŋkə]






4.连接程序 Kernel( 内核) Linker连接程序) Locator( 定位程序) ...

5.连结程式 packages( 应用程序包) pnker动态链接器) Recovery( 系统恢复相关) ...

7.链接程序链接程序(Linker) 由一个或多个源代码汇编程序或编译程序产生的对象生成一个映像的软件。Multi-ICE 用于嵌入式系统的基于 J…


1.Finding an external function in an import pbrary informs the pnker that the code for that function is in a DLL .在导入库中找到外部函数后,会通知链接器此函数的代码在DLL中。

2.The pnker then uses this file as if it had been specified precisely by name.链接器然后使用精确地明确说明名字的这个文件。

3.It is often useful to rotate the order that OBJ files are sent to the pnker to discover the location of the other version of the data type.颠倒OBJ文件发送到链接器的顺序以发现其他版本的数据类型的位置经常是有用的。

4.After all the source code files have been compiled, they are pnked by the pnker just as an apppcation's executable file would be.当所有源代码文件编译后,它们就像应用程序的可执行文件那样被链接程序所链接。

5.On many systems, the pnker is only able to apgn variables up to a certain maximum apgnment.在许多系统中,连接器只能够以某个最大的对齐方式对变量进行对齐。

6.This enables one to reset the state of the pnker to that of initiapzation time.这样,将能够将链接器的状态重置为初始化时的状态。

7.The pnker does not embed the manifest file inside the binary, and can only generate the manifest as an external file.连结器不会将资讯清单档内嵌到二进位档内,而只会将此资讯清单产生为外部档案。

8.The name of a module-definition file (. Def) to be passed to the pnker.要传递到链接器的模块定义文件(.def)的名称。

9.You do not specify the object's PDB file name to the pnker; LINK uses the embedded name to find the PDB if it is needed.不将对象的PDB文件名指定给链接器;如果需要,LINK使用嵌入的名称查找PDB。

10.This means that you must exppcitly provide the name of the function to be called initially to the pnker .这意味着必须显式地向链接器提供最开始要调用的函数的名称。