


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌbaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌbaɪt]

n.覆 EED4





1.覆 EED4a condition in which a person or animal's upper jaw is too far forward in relation to their lower jaw


n.1.a fault in someones teeth in which the top teeth are too far in front of the bottom teeth


2.垂直覆盖 orthodontics,braces 正牙学 overbite 过度咬合 pain 疼痛 ...

6.垂直覆咬 ... 总分配常数 overall distribution constant 覆咬合 overbite 钙化过度 overcalcification ...

8.咬合时过咬4. 当牙齿的在正中咬合时过咬 (overbite) 与过突 (overjet) 正常。5. 没有不正常的回转及长轴倾斜度。


1.Cpnically, the occlusal Viertcial rising has been used to treat deep overbite, sleep bruxism, temporomandibular joint disorder, et al.临床上咬合升高常用于治疗深覆牙合、夜磨牙症及颞下颌关节紊乱。

2.One of the goals in comprehensive orthodontic treatment is to obtain an optimal, maximun occlusion with adequate over jet and overbite.完整性矫正治疗的目的是希望能够获得一个理想的紧密咬合,适当的垂直覆咬以及水平覆咬。

3.This paper describes the use of a three-piece base arch and Class I elastics to correct deep overbite while simultaneously closing spaces.本文介绍了使用三块基地拱和I类牵引,以纠正深覆同时关闭空格。

4.Conclusion: This method is excellent on vertical control of crowded teeth with low degree overbite patient.结论:此法对于矫治牙列拥挤时垂直距离的控制具有重要的临床价值。

5.Result: All cases obtained normal anterior overbite, normal overlap, class one occlusion and 28 teeth reservation after treatment.结果:全部病例矫治完成后均取得牙尖交错咬合关系,前牙覆覆盖正常。明确保留了28个牙齿。

6.In addition, correlation coefficients between the overbite and other variables were calculated.此外,相关系数之间的覆和其他变量进行了计算。

7.Flared incisors and deep overbite are challenging to treat orthodontically.爆发门齿和深覆具有挑战性治疗正畸。

8.Conchussion Ti is an that with effective method to rednce overbite wyththe ude of straight wire apppance and bite plate.结论直丝弓技术和小平板联合矫治前牙深覆病例是一种有效的方法,值得推广应用。

9.We'll have to fix up this overbite.我们会对你这颗牙进行矫正。

10.Cpnical Observation of Treatment of Deep Overbite for Single Maxillary Extraction Orthodontics上颌单颌拔牙矫治深覆盖的临床观察