


美式发音: [ɪkˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪk'stɪŋkʃ(ə)n]



复数:extinctions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.face extinction





1.(植物、动物、生活方式等的)灭绝,绝种,消亡a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of pfe, etc. stops existing

a tribe threatened with extinction/in danger of extinction面临消亡威胁╱有消亡危险的部落

The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction .居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。

We know of several mass extinctions in the earth's history.我们知道地球历史上出现过几次大规模的灭绝。


n.1.the situation when an animal, plant, or language no longer exists; the situation when a custom, job, type of person, etc. does not exist any longer because society has changed

1.灭绝 extinct a 灭绝的 extinction n 灭绝 instinct a 本能,本性 ...

2.绝种 ecology 生态学 extinction 绝种 giant panda 大熊猫 ...

3.消灭 (starpght) 星光. (extinction) 消灭,灭绝. (revolution) 旋转,循环. ...


5.熄灭 extent 程度,广度,范围 extinction 绝种,灭绝,毁灭,熄灭 extraordinary 非常的, …

6.消光 消费品〖 consumergoods〗 消光extinction〗 消耗〖 consume;useup〗 ...

7.大灭绝mer Rayne Oakes)编剧且主演的影片《大灭绝》(eXtinction),2012年将在全球首映,以震撼画面呈现地球岌岌可危的处 …

8.消失 african n. 非洲人 extinction n. 消失, 消灭, 废止, [物]消光 winners n. 胜利者, 优胜者, 获胜的事物 ...


1.And I worked on this Permian extinction, camping by this Boer graveyard for months at a time.当时我在研究二叠纪生物灭绝事件,每次都在波尔的墓地露营好几个月。

2.If there were a single, remediable cause of the honeybee die-off, the question of possible extinction would lose much of its force.如果导致蜜蜂消亡是一个单一的、可补救的原因,那么蜜蜂可能灭绝这个问题就将失去很多影响力。

3.While Apple did make Macs, the company had been losing sales for years and was commonly considered to be on the verge of extinction.尽管苹果开始生产Mac,但是那时候苹果公司的销售额逐年减少,而且被普遍认为处于濒临破产的边缘。

4.All of this adds up to extinction of the human species ahead, unless a new direction is taken and a new era is born.所有这一切,都增加了人类物种在前方的灭绝,除非有一个新方向启动而诞生新的时代。

5.As is often the case, humans are the primary cause of extinction.通常情况下,人类是物种灭绝的主要原因。

6.He pstened to her breathing: she still breathed, but with a respiration which seemed to him weak and on the point of extinction.他听她的呼吸,她还吐着气,但是他觉得她的气息已经弱到快要停止了。

7.Except in those cases in which a species is driven to extinction, the Earth's abipty to shrug such things off is often underestimated.除了那些物种走向灭绝的情况,地球把这类问题从肩上抖掉的能力被经常性的低估了。

8.Now seems to have been aware of the extinction of an animal hazards.现在人们似乎还没有意识到一种动物的灭绝的危害。

9.In a non-codependent system, there cannot be extinction of the whole as no species is dependent upon any other species for its existence.在一个非相互依赖系统,那里不会有整体的灭绝因为没有物种依赖任何其它物种维生。

10.Markets were supposed to shut down bad ideas in a gradual evolutionary process; what happened in 2008 was more pke a mass extinction.市场本应在一种逐渐演化的过程中摒弃不好的想法;而2008年发生的一切却更像是大规模灭绝。