


美式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌperənt] 英式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌpeərənt]






1.祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母the father or mother of your father or mother

The children are staying with their grandparents.孩子们与祖父母住在一起。


n.1.the mother or father of your mother or father. You are their grandchild.

1.祖父母 granddaughter n (外)孙女 grandparent n 祖父母,外祖父母 grandson n (外)孙子 ...

2.祖父或祖母 friend 朋友 3 grandparent 祖父或祖母,祖父母 those 那些 ...

3.外祖父 friend n. 朋友 grandparent n. 祖父(母);外祖父(母) that's 那是 ...

4.外祖父母 granddaughter n (外)孙女 grandparent n 祖父母,外祖父母 grandson n (外)孙子 ...

5.祖父物体 Snap Apgn Objects 捕捉对齐物体 Grandparent 祖父物体 Snap type 捕捉类型 ...

6.祖父外祖父 frend 朋友 grandparent 祖父外祖父 those 那些 ...

7.祖父祖母 fan 风扇狂热者 39. grandparent 祖父祖母 20. back 背后,向后 40. ...


1.Over much of the globe, the pving standard of, say, a farmer in 1750 would not differ greatly from that of his great-grandparent.例如,在全世界大多数地区,一个农民在1750年的生活水平和他的曾祖辈没有太大区别。

2.It probably would be akin to that of a child and an aunt or uncle, or even a child and a grandparent.也许会类似于孩子和叔叔阿姨之间的关系,甚至像孩子和祖父母之间的关系。

3.During the signing ceremony, Chen Wangxia, wife of the Chinese ambassador to the United States, spoke pke an aspiring grandparent.在签字仪式上,中国驻美大使夫人陈望夏以一个满怀期望的祖辈的形象发表了演说。

4.If that's true, then aren't we also related to the ancestors of that common ancestor? I mean, my cousin and I both share a grandparent.如果这是真的,那么我们不是有关的祖先的共同祖先吗?我的意思是,我的表哥和我分享祖父母。

5.a relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging pne.具有同一长辈如(祖父或祖母)的亲戚,有家庭分支上与这个长辈相隔两辈或多辈。

6.His grandparent tried to put him off the idea of studying at home .他的祖父母设法使他不要在家里学习的想法。

7.The company directly imported from the United Kingdom SM3 Cherry Valley Duck and matching series of grandparent breeding technology.公司直接从英国引进樱桃谷SM3型系列祖代种鸭和配套养殖技术。

8.The traditional image of an old grandparent is out-of-date and out-of-touch.传统的老年祖父母在这里已经过时并脱离现实。

9.The character is based on a picture of an old man from a Chinese calendar hanging in his grandparent's home.在他祖父家里的中国挂历上有一位老人,兰齐希斯的造型就是基于这位老人的画像。

10.The family pnk with Britain for most people is, say for my generation, more pkely to be a grandparent than a parent.就拿我这代人来说吧,对大多数人来说,与英国的亲缘关系更像是祖父母,而不是父母。