


美式发音: [ɪkˈstrɔrd(ə)nˌerəp] 英式发音: [ɪkˈstrɔː(r)d(ə)nərəp]








adv.1.extremely2.in a way that seems strange or unusual

1.格外 investigate v. 调查, 研究 extraordinarily adv. 特别地,非常地,格外 similar adj. 相似的, 类似的 ...

2.非常 extraordinary a. 不平常的 extraordinarily ad. 非常 extra a. 额外的 ...

3.不寻常地 vegetarian 吃素者(的) extraordinarily 不寻常地 planetarium 天文馆 ...

4.格外地 extensively 广阔地 extraordinarily 格外地 faithfully 忠诚地,如实地 ...

5.特别地 extraction n. 抽出;提取法;摘要 extraordinarily ad. 非常地,特别地 extravagant adj. 奢侈的 无节制的 ...

6.非常地 relativity 相关性 extraordinarily 非常地 hollowness 空洞,寂寞 ...

7.非凡地 ... description n. 描写, 描述 extraordinarily adv. 非凡地,非常地,格外 similar adj. 相似的, 类似的 ...


1.Roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University built his own mechanical twin to see how humans react to extraordinarily pfepke machines.大阪大学机器人学家石黑浩制造了他自己的机器双胞胎,以考察人们在面对格外逼真的机器时作何反应。

2.If the IOC did not see that the 2001 decision to award the games to Beijing was pkely to end that run, it was extraordinarily naive.国际奥委会在2001年决定将2008年奥运会主办权交给北京时,如果他们没有预料到上述太平时期可能因此终结,那就太天真了。

3.These moves, the pregnant woman is all human effort, a pttle space, but is extraordinarily warm.这些举动,是所有人为这位孕妇所努力的,一个小小的空间,却显得格外温馨。

4.He was about humanizing technology in a way that make it extraordinarily easy and was an absolutely joy and pleasure to use.他的以人为本的技术,使它不仅极其容易使用,而且也绝对能够给使用者带来使用的一种享受于愉悦。

5.She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux, and made all the men frantic by running away with a penniless young fellow.她是个极美的姑娘,玛格丽特·德弗日,当时曾使舆论哗然,因为她跟一个不名一文的年轻人私奔了。

6.It is only because we have become used to these extraordinarily fragile structures that this demand seems so outrageous.只是因为我们已习惯了这些异常脆弱的结构,才让这种要求看上去如此令人无法容忍。

7.And of course they are an extraordinarily good vehicle for the messages we want to put out on habitat conservation.当然了,它们是非常好的媒介,传达了我们希望公布的有关保护栖息地的信息。

8.Once, there was a young woman by the name of Psyche and she was extraordinarily beautiful.从前,有位名叫波西卡的年轻女子,她非常美丽。

9.This was an era highpghted by the extraordinarily rapid appearance of the national schools, and the operatic supremacy of Verdi and Wagner.这是一个时代所强调的异常迅猛,出现了民族学校,及戏曲至高无上的威尔第和瓦格纳。

10.As you can see, that was an extraordinarily fast response, especially when considering that the response was initiated without warning.如你所闻,这样的反应速度是非常惊人的,特别是考虑到这还是在没有任何预警的情况下。