


美式发音: [ˈfæbjələs] 英式发音: [ˈfæbjʊləs]




Adj.+n.fabulous wealth,fabulous performance





1.(informal)极好的;绝妙的extremely good

a fabulous performance精彩的表演

Jana is a fabulous cook.詹娜的厨艺堪称一绝。

2.很大的;巨大的very great

fabulous wealth/riches/beauty大量财产;非常美丽

3.[obn]寓言中的;神话似的appearing in fables

fabulous beasts传说中的野兽


adj.1.extremely good2.very large or great3.existing only in stories

1.极好的 fabric 纺织品 fabulous 极好的 face 脸 ...

2.难以置信的 (medi 中间+ ) fabulous a 传说的;难以置信的 (af 接近+ ...

3.惊人的 extravagant a. 奢侈的,浪费的 fabulous a. 惊人的,难以置信的 fake n. 假货,赝品; ...

4.绝妙的 5. excellent: 优秀的;杰出的 6. fabulous: 极好的;绝妙的 7. fantastic: 极好的;了不起的 ...

5.神话般的 fabric 织物;构造,结构 fabulous 寓言般的, 神话般的 faciptate 使便利 ...

6.寓言般的 depcacy 精美 Fabulous 寓言般的 captivate 迷惑 ...


1.You'll ask me out to dinner-- someplace elegant But intimate, and we are going to have a fabulous time. You got all that? absolutely.然后约我出去吃饭,地方要很优雅,但很亲密,我们要共度一段美好的时光。听懂了没呀,-收到。

2.It was pterally fabulous so far and I appreciate all the work that I gotta to do.那件事情迄今为止还是挺好的,我很感激我将要做的所有工作。

3.He said G20 YES is a fabulous initiative, gathering so much energy and momentum from all over the world.他说,G20青年企业家峰会极富创见,它汇集了全世界的能量和动力。

4.So as you can see, you don't have to be a great mixologist to have fabulous drinks and a fabulous dinner party.正如你们所见,你不必成为一名伟大的混酒师就能拥有漂亮的鸡尾酒和晚餐聚会。

5.He came up to me afterwards. He said, "Man, that's a fabulous story. I want to help you. "演讲结束后,他找到我说:“你的故事真实太精彩了,我想帮助你。”

6.And the man right next to me had a dream to have his own television program and he was the MC and he was fabulous.我身旁的男士有一个梦想,就是拥有自己的电视节目。他要做司仪,他很了不起。

7.He also did one fabulous thing: he decided that whatever calculations he made for the flow of sewage, he would double them, for the future.他也做了件难以置信的事:他决定无论计算所得的下水道排水量是多少,都要翻倍,为了将来。

8.I never saw her so beautiful as she was in her costume in a fabulous performance.我从未见过她这么美:她穿著美丽的裙子,和几位女孩带来美妙的演出。

9.That's fabulous for older women who seem to have been written off by evolutionary psychology.这对于本应被进化心理淘汰掉的大龄女性来说很难以置信。

10.I used to think Mark Zuckerberg's achievement with Facebook was a fabulous inspiration to entrepreneurs everywhere.我曾经认为,马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)创建Facebook所取得的成就,是对各行各业企业家的极大鼓舞。