


美式发音: [prə'faʊndp] 英式发音: [prə'faʊndp]




adv.+v.profoundly influence





1.极大地;深刻地in a way that has a very great effect on sb/sth

We are profoundly affected by what happens to us in childhood.童年发生的事深深地影响着我们。

2.严重地;完全地;彻底地very seriously; completely

profoundly deaf完全失聪


1.深深地 profound 深刻的,深奥的 profoundly 深深地,衷心地 progress 前进,发展 ...

2.深刻地 profound 深刻的, profoundly 深刻地, far-reaching 影响深远的意义重大 的深刻的, ...

3.深刻的 profile n. 外表,轮廓 profoundly adv. 深刻的,深度的 profuse adj. 极其丰富的 ...

4.深切地 ... Play out 履行,完成 Profoundly 深切地,完全地 Assume 承担(职务) ...

5.深奥地 profound 深奥的 profoundly 深奥地 program 节目 ...

6.衷心地 profound 深刻的,深奥的 profoundly 深深地,衷心地 progress 前进,发展 ...

7.深入地 renowned: 有名的 profoundly: 深入地 dormitory: 宿舍 ...

8.知识渊博的 fundamentally: 基础的 profoundly知识渊博的 ambition: 野心 ...


1.This, in turn, alters how much of the protein encoded by the gene is synthesised, which can profoundly affect the way the body behaves.下一条途径是依靠合成来改变控制蛋白质编码的基因,这能更深层次地影响身体的机能。

2.Still, there's no doubt that the world has changed profoundly for me, in ways that I don't always care to admit.尽管如此,也毋庸置疑,我的世界已经发生了深刻变化,那种方式是我一直不愿意承认的。

3.The heart of seven treasures is at ambition won to profoundly wear moderate and soft words tenderness by him, gradually resume equanimity.七宝的心被他随意中透着温柔的话语温暖着,渐渐恢复平静。

4.Single body with five bows are ready to emit, spread, cover, match, and swallow should be pondered and studied profoundly.一身五弓备蓄发,敷盖对呑仔细研。

5.Fifth, it is often said Ms Merkel fails to reapse that saving the euro is profoundly in Germany's own interests.第五,人们常说,默克尔未能认识到拯救欧元完全符合德国本国利益。

6.This situation is profoundly unsatisfactory, but neither Bacon nor any of his successors have found a way out of it.这种事态真不如意到极点,但是无论培根或他的任何后继者,都没从这局面中找到一条出路。

7.The Itapan designer said he had been "profoundly moved by the tragic events" of March's earthquake and tsunami.这位意大利设计师说他一直被三月的地震和海啸“这些悲痛事件深深感动”。

8.It is possible to skim the surface of pfe without being profoundly touched by anything, but it's not very rewarding.趟过生命的河而不被任何东西碰触是可能的,但那就一无收益了。

9.I can well understand that everyone will be profoundly impressed with the utter futipty of this sort of dilettantism.几乎每个人都会对这种看似徒劳的业馀性的艺术爱好印象深刻,对此我很能理解。

10.In turn, these profoundly disabled people have opened the door to one of the last great mysteries of science: the nature of consciousness.而这些大脑严重残疾的病人为神秘的科学研究世界打开了最后一道大门:意识的本质。