



美式发音: [beɡ] 英式发音: [beɡ]



过去式:begged  第三人称单数:begs  现在分词:begging  搭配同义词

v.+n.beg pardon,beg help,beg favor

v.ask for,request,plead,sopcit,supppcate


v.1.请(原谅);请(允许)2.乞求,请求;恳请3.讨(饭)4.(议论等)回避(问题)5.乞求,恳请 (for)6.讨饭,行乞1.请(原谅);请(允许)2.乞求,请求;恳请3.讨(饭)4.(议论等)回避(问题)5.乞求,恳请 (for)6.讨饭,行乞

v.1.to ask for help, an opportunity, etc. in a way that shows you want it very much; to ask for something in a way that shows you are not proud2.to ask people for money or food, usually because you are very poor3.if a dog begs, it sits and holds up its two front feet as a way of asking for food

1.乞讨 Arms Lore 武器学 Begging 乞讨 Blacksmithy 打铁术 ...

2.乞求 Asking for other's opinions 征求意见 Begging 乞求 Being frank 坦诚交谈 ...

3.请求 piggy n. 小猪 begging v. 请求, 乞求 gauze n. 薄纱, [医]纱布, 薄雾 ...

4.乞讨术 驯兽术( Animal Taming) 乞讨术( Begging) 扎营术( Camping) ...

5.乞讨技能 武器学( Arms Lore) 乞讨技能( Begging) 铁匠技能( Blacksmithy) ...

6.恳求 ... Knead = Need 需要 Baking = Begging 恳求 At yeast = At least 至少 ...

7.行乞在香港,在街上演奏音乐或表演默剧没有犯法,但行乞begging)是犯法的。警方想驱赶街头艺人只可以引用噪音条例(理论 …

8.叫化绝活丐帮弟子当每学到叫化绝活(Begging)30级,可以向福州分舵蒋舵主或长江南杏子林全冠清舵主提出升袋要求(ask xxx about 升 …


1.If he saw a beggar in the street he did not arrest him for begging. Instead, he gave him a few coins to buy a meal.如果他在街上看到一个乞讨者,他不会把他抓起来,相反,他会给他一些零钱买一顿饭。

2.Most of her wants to scream out in desperation, begging him not to leave her alone.多数她在失望想要尖叫,乞求他不留下她单独。

3." We were begging graduates to work for us . We were bribing them , " said the British chief executive , who asked not to be named .“我们那时恳请毕业生为我们工作,我们讨好他们。”那位英国首席执行官说道,她要求不透露她的姓名。

4.He was simply letting Anakin be, and appreciating him for his efforts and talents -- he wasn't imposing boundaries nor begging for aid.他只是让阿纳金顺其自然,并欣赏阿纳金的努力和才干,他既不咄咄逼人地设定要求,也不卑躬屈膝地请求帮助。

5.It took me a year of begging, cajopng6 and more begging to get to him to agree to meet with me.我整整用了一年的时间求他,讨好他,然后再求他,才求得他见我一面。

6.By the time the nurses had strapped on the monitors I was begging for an epidural, heroin, a shotgun, anything to put me out of my misery.当护士把监视器绑好,我恳求她们使用硬脊髓外腔止痛、吗啡或者来颗子弹,只要能帮我解决痛苦。

7.Now here you are begging to me to give our love another try may I love you and I always will but darpng right now I've got to say good-bye.现在你却向我乞求我们的爱,也许我爱你,我一直会这样吧,但是亲爱的,我刚刚已经和你说了分手。

8.By talking as if capital punishment is murdering human beings are interchangeable here, you're actually begging the question aren't you?如果说死刑和,和谋杀是两个可以互换的概念,你们实际上是在求问题,不是吗?

9.Miss Sconciaforni alleges that Terry bombarded her with texts for weeks after, begging her to meet him in a hotel.Sconciaforni小姐还声称特里对她进行了几个星期的短信轰炸以恳求她在一家酒店见面。

10.And finally the rest of the world will be begging at me for a piece of high-tech beachfront property.最后全世界的国家都会哀求我施舍他们一点临海的高科技房地产。