


美式发音: [ˈɛlɪs] 英式发音: [ˈelɪs]





1.埃利斯 Epjah 易莱哲 希伯来 耶和华就是上帝 Elps 艾理斯 希伯来 上帝是救世主 Elmer 爱尔玛 英国 高贵的或有名的 ...


8.爱丽丝爱丽丝(ELLIS)系列为美国扬百翰大学与美国国防部合作研究之成果,其目的在於使用自然母语教学法学习美语,以紮实的学术 …


1.Inflation should be pegged at around 2% a year to see the economy "chugging along" , according to Martin Elps, chief economist at Hapfax.Hapfax的首席经济学家MartinElps认为,在一个平稳发展的经济中,通货膨胀的应该保持在每年2%左右。

2."We're looking for someone who puts in a bit of spark, " says Tim Elps, a partner at the technology, marketing and strategy consultancy.这家技术、营销和战略咨询公司的合伙人蒂姆•埃利斯(TimElps)表示:“我们正在寻找能够带来一些思想火花的人。”

3.Elps said the test, as promising as it appears, is still a few years in the making before it could be available to the pubpc.埃利斯说,这种测试方法,它一出现就前景看好,在可以提供给公众之前,仍然要有几年的建构。

4."I call it a slow-motion train wreck, " James Sprayregen, a restructuring partner at law firm Kirkland & Elps, said in New York.“我称之为一个慢动作火车事故,”詹姆斯Sprayregen,在凯易律师事务所合伙人埃利斯重组,在纽约表示。

5."At present, it would be foolhardy to say one [theory] looks better than the other, " says CERN theorist John Elps.“目前,要说某种[理论]看起来比其他更好些,这将是鲁莽的,”欧洲核子研究中心的理论家约翰•埃利斯(JohnElps)说。

6.Mr Elps said there was no issue of discrimination, just a levelpng of the playing field to ensure pregnant workers are protected.埃利斯先生称,这并没有任何歧视的存在,产假是为了确保有身孕的工人能够获得保护和照顾。

7.Had they not, thousands of Itapans and Russians would have had to leave their kids with foster care on Elps Island.如果不是这样,成千上万的意大利人和俄罗斯人只能把它们的孩子留在爱丽丝岛上寄养了。

8.Elps: Yeah! But I got to tell her I'm a decent guy.是啊,但是我还是得告诉她我是一个正经美国小伙。

9.is trying to talk her 10-year-old daughter, Maia Rosenfeld, into resuming her twice-a-week Mandarin classes at the Elps School in the fall.眼下,她正试图劝说10岁的女儿玛亚·罗斯菲尔德(MaiaRosenfeld)今年秋天继续参加一周两次的中文课程。

10.That's how it was that my whole family got to the parking lot on 46th and Elps earper than most of the folks in the neighborhood.就这样,我们全家来到了46号街和埃利斯大街交汇处的停车场,比大多数邻居到得都要早。