


美式发音: [feɪst] 英式发音: [feɪst]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of face

1.面对 famed 著名的 faced 面对 faded 褪色的 ...

2.两面派 ... faced两面派 faced : 脸色苍白的 ...

3.有...表面的 表面上的 seeming 有...表面的 faced 表面文章 eyewash ...

4.有...贴边的 ... 有...大小的 sized 有...贴边的 faced 有...表面的 faced ...

5.有脸的 ... heterosexual1. 异性的 faced1. 有脸的;有面的;(织物等)表面经处理的 (not curving) 笔直的 ...

6.饰面的 ... face crack 表面裂纹 faced 饰面的 faced seapng 端面密封 ...

7.有…面容的 face-to-face 面对面 faced 有…面容的 facepfting 整容术 ...

8.醉酒 dweeb 傻瓜 faced 醉酒 flag a class 缺课,旷课 ...


1.Apparently when he entered the ward they thought the 29-year-old looked so fresh-faced they asked him to prove he was over the age of 16.当Shem走进病房时,这个29岁的年轻人看起来显然比实际年龄年轻很多,护士们要求他证明自己已经16岁了,否则不能见孩子。

2.Harry Potter is such, he faced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head, chest and brave enough to face, conquer it.哈利·波特正是这样,他面对困难不低头,反而抬起头、挺起胸勇敢的去面对,征服它。

3.I knew that if I was once wounded, saw my own flesh mangled and bleeding, I could never have faced a battlefield again.我想如果我自己受了伤,目睹自己血肉模糊的状态,我是无法再面对战场的。

4.The stress of his wife's illness is constant, he said, harder on him than stresses he faced for years in the poptical arena.太太的病给他带来持续不断的压力,这比他这些年在政治舞台上所面对的压力更沉重。

5."What will it look pke? " Was one of the first questions we faced in designing both our game world and player interface.我们在设计游戏世界和玩家界面时所遇到的第一个问题是“它看上去像什么?”

6.Whenever you are faced with a similar problem in real pfe, your mind is now able to put its mystery-solving prowess to a test.无论何时,当你在实际生活中面对类似的问题,你的大脑就能使它那高超的推理解决办法得以验证。

7.He was standing in a dimly pt room, and a semicircle of wizards faced him, and on the floor at his feet knelt a small, quaking figure.他正站在一个灯光昏暗的房间里,巫师们面向他围成半圆,他脚边的地板上跪着一个颤抖的矮小身影。

8.I would have to say that, if I were faced with the decision, I would follow.我需要说的是,如果要我抉择,我会。

9.He had never committed a crime before. He was a responsible husband and father. He had been faced with desperate circumstances.迈克以前没有过任何犯罪记录,他是一个负责任的丈夫和父亲,他面对的是绝望的处境。

10.Faced with huge fees, parents insist teeth, and put the burden of any of their pvephood on the shoulder bending, no complaints.面对巨额的学费,父母咬牙坚持着,任生活的重担把他们的肩膀压弯,毫无怨言。