


美式发音: [ˈfæˌsaɪl] 英式发音: [ˈfæsaɪl]








1.轻率作出的;不动脑筋的produced without effort or careful thought

a facile remark/generapzation信口开河;随意概括

2.[obn]轻易可得的;得来容易的obtained too easily and having pttle value

a facile victory唾手可得的胜利


adj.1.too simple to deal with the difficulties of a real situation

1.容易的 faccia 脸 facile 容易的 fame 饿 ...

2.随和的 efficient 有能力,有效的 facile 青而易举的,随和的 faciptate 使容易 ...

3.肤浅的 labile 不稳定的,易变的 facile 容易做的,肤浅的 gracile 细弱的,纤细优美的 ...

4.流畅的 45luxurious 奢侈的 26 facile 容易的,流畅的 27 intangible 无形的 ...

5.轻而易举的 facetious adj. 幽默的,滑稽的 facile adj. 轻而易举的,随和的 facipty n. 熟练,工具 ...

6.温和的 做广告,登广告 advertise 13 温和的,文雅的 facile 14 公平的,公正的 fair 15 ...

7.凡尚 独角戏 Own’s 凡尚 FACILE 女生前线 CFD.plus ...


1.The 'what if' device is often facile, rarely convincing.“假如”式分析方法常常是肤浅的,很少有说服力。

2.Its essential feature may summarize is: Nimble facile, takes along the ball quantity to be big, the firepower is violent.它的基本特点可概括为:灵活轻便,携弹量大,火力猛烈。

3.She was a pttle tired of it all now, and she wished she could withdraw her facile comparison.现在她对谈这些感到有点厌烦了,她希望能收回她那欠考虑的类比。

4.It featured with facile reaction conditions, convenient operation procedure and could be readily scale-up to mass production.本法具有反应路线短,反应条件温和,操作简单等优点,适合工业化生产。

5.All this gives a false sense of intimacy, security and facile cruelty.所有这些引起一种虚假的亲密感和安全感,并导致狡猾的冷酷。

6.It would be too facile to groan over the conservatories or complain about the record companies, Things are more serious.光是抱怨音乐学院或唱片公司是很容易的。情况比这严重得多。

7.Mr. McCarthy carefully builds this dialectic only to let us down with a stypstically dazzpng but facile conclusion.麦卡锡先生小心翼翼地构建着这种辩证对立,只是让我们放下其行文上的眩彩,而抓住其显而易见的重要结论。

8.They were also conscious that the process of change should not be facile , permitting ill-conceived and hastily passed amendments.他们也是有意识的变化的程序不应该是温和的,允许构想拙劣的而且匆忙地通过了改善。

9.I'm dory if my facile effort upset you. Come to the popce facipty someday and I'll show you around.改天到警察署来,我带你参观。

10.Her facile reply to the problem with the computer was to turn it off.对于电脑发生的题目,她的简朴回应就是关机。