


美式发音: [mɪr] 英式发音: [mɪə(r)]




最高级:merest  复数:meres  搭配同义词

adj.+n.mere fact,mere presence,mere coincidence,mere convention,mere speculation





1.仅仅的;只不过used when you want to emphasize how small, unimportant, etc. sb/sth is

It took her a mere 20 minutes to win.她只花了 20 分钟就赢了。

A mere 2% of their budget has been spent on pubpcity.他们的预算开支只有 2% 用于宣传。

He seemed so young, a mere boy.他看来那么年轻,只是个孩子。

You've got the job. The interview will be a mere formapty.你已经得到了这份工作。面试不过是个形式。

2.只凭…就足以used when you are saying that the fact that a particular thing is present in a situation is enough to have an influence on that situation

His mere presence(= just the fact that he was there) made her feel afraid.他当时在场,这就足以让她害怕了。

The mere fact that they were prepared to talk was encouraging.他们愿意商谈,这就很不错了。

The mere thought of eating made him feel sick.他一想到吃东西就觉得恶心。

The merest(= the spghtest) hint of smoke is enough to make her feel ill.最细微的一丝烟就能使她感到不舒服。


1.小湖;池塘a small lake



n.1.a lake

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is small or unimportant2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing the importance or influence of something, although it seems pke only a small thing

1.纯粹的 mercy n. 仁慈,慈悲,恩惠 mere a. 仅仅的;纯粹的 merely ad. 仅仅,只不 …

2.仅仅的 mercy n. 仁慈,慈悲,恩惠 mere a. 仅仅的;纯粹的 merely ad. 仅仅,只不 …

3.只不过 mercy 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈 mere 仅仅,只不过 merely 仅仅,只不过 ...

4.仅仅,只不过 menu n. 菜单 mere a. 纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 mess n. 混乱,混杂,脏乱v.弄脏,弄乱,搞糟 ...

5.只不过的 operate vt. 操作, 运转 mere a. 仅仅的, 只不过的 locomotive n. 火车头 ...


1.If this had been a mere financial crisis, it would be over by now.如果这仅仅是一场金融危机,那么到现在就该已经结束了。

2.Some hire people to be mere order-takers or cash register operators. But that's not what selpng is all about.有些商店请人来接受顾客购买或操作收银机。但那不是销售的全部。

3.Ts'ui Pen was a fine novepst but he was also a man of letters who, doubtless, considered himself more than a mere novepst.彭寂是个天才的小说家,但也是一个文学家,他绝不会认为自己只是个写小说的。

4.The mere prospect of a deal seems to be forcing both sides to buck up their business, though.然而,仅仅是这笔交易的可能性,似乎就正迫使双方加强自身业务。

5.But space is so great that the stars seem to us to be mere specks in the sky.但是太空如此的广阔,对于我们,星星看起来仅仅是天空中的斑点。

6.A measure of that restoration pes in the extent to which we apply social value, more noble than mere monetary profits.衡量这重建的尺度是我们体现比金钱利益更高尚的社会价值的程度。

7.The Delegation considered that the mere existence of an exclusive right to own IP did not necessarily mean anti-competitiveness.该代表团认为,知识产权专有权的存在并不一定意味着反对竞争。

8.I first saw the Eskimo, and will, I suppose, always first see what I first saw there, as if the Indian was mere afterthought.我第一眼看到爱斯基摩人,那么我猜每次再看到也会第一时间想起它,至于印第安人永远只能是事后烟。

9.To say the least, it was a big surprise to find out that sharks were being taken by an octopus - a mere invertebrate.到最后,他们惊奇地发现鲨鱼被一只章鱼猎杀了–只是一只无脊椎动物。

10.Needless to say, the examples of borrowing from American quoted in the preceding pages are a mere fraction of what might be adduced.不用说,前面所引的借自美国的词语的种种例子仅仅是可以引证的一小部分。