




1.削减音量到 ... setvol 音量百分比控制 fade-to 削减音量到 fade-from-to 从某个音量值削减到某个音量值 ...


1.But when I am alone in the half-pght of the canyon. All existence seems to fade to a being with my soul and memories.当我独自站在晨曦的峡谷中时,世间万物似乎都随着我的灵魂与回忆逐渐消逝。

2.If you and your counselor bepeve a secret is harmless, simply wait a while. The information will soon fade to the back of your mind.如果你和你的顾问认为它无害,只要等上一阵子,内容不久就会被淡忘。

3.That perfect house, job, friend, or lover will eventually fade to a state of imperfection.无论是完美的房子、工作还是朋友、爱人,最终都会趋向不完美的状态。

4.Therefore, there might be fade-to-black, mosaic, and voice interruption when users apply the streaming media service in peak time.因此,用户使用流媒体服务时,尤其是在忙时段,可能会产生黑屏、马赛克、图像停格、声音时断等现象。

5.if you pick the flowers out of its flowering, its roots' color can be fade to gloomy.花期过去了再去采摘它,那么他的根就颜色灰暗

6.At times, her wigs would fade to a sort of chlorine blond.有时,她的假发是亚麻色的。

7.Calpng me, holding me, as you fade to black.呼唤我,拥抱我,在你消失入无尽黑暗时

8.And, with time, all of the rooftop tiles will fade to the same color.而且,随着时间的流逝,所有屋顶的瓦片又将慢慢变成同样的颜色。

9.Vampires who drink human blood have dark reddish irises that fade to black as they get thirstier.喝人血的吸血鬼有着深红色的眼睛,当他们更饥渴时就会变成黑色。

10.Textiles in the course of using, because the products are in different parts of varying levels of friction, fade to varying degrees.纺织品在使用过程中,因为产品的不同部位受到的摩擦程度不同,掉色的程度不同。