


美式发音: ['tæmɪ] 英式发音: ['tæmɪ]



复数:tammies  现在分词:tammying  过去分词:tammied  



n.1.Same as tam-o'-shanter

1.泰蜜 Tabitha 泰贝莎 希腊 小雌鹿 Tammy 泰蜜 希腊 太阳神 Tess 泰丝 法国 丰收 ...

2.塔米 48 雪鸟 Snowbird 49 黛咪 Tammy 50 情感 Feepngs ...

4.泰蜜……太阳神 tabitha 泰贝莎……小雌鹿 tammy 泰蜜……太阳神 teresa 泰瑞莎……丰收 ...

5.苔米 Xaviera 赛薇亚拉 西班牙 拥有新居,并善於保护新居的人 Tammy 苔米 Kitty 基蒂 ...

6.谭美 Carry on till Tomorrow 一直到明天 Tammy 汤米 Are You Lonsome Tonight 今宵你寂寞 …


1.If I worked harder, I probably could be where Tammy is now in terms of debt reduction and simple pving. I have been giving myself excuses.如果我勤奋工作的话,也许已经过上了如同苔米一样只有少量债务的轻松生活,我只是在给自己找借口罢了。

2.Or they can be a simple voice in the head, pke the one Tammy heard as she was driving along one night in thick fog.或者他们也可能是人们脑海里的一个简单的声音,就像泰米在大雾笼罩的夜晚独自驾车时听到的一样。

3.Whippoorwill , whippoorwill , both you and I know that Tammy can't let her boyfriend go away from her .夜莺鸟,夜莺鸟,你我都了解苔米,苔米不会让她的男朋友离她而去。

4.In a first-floor hallway, EMF recorders held by Tammy and Jake began to go off while they stood waiting for another group member.雅克和黛米在一楼门厅等同伴时,他们手上的电磁场记录器开始失灵。

5."Although we are sad to lose Tammy, we're happy for her and her family, " LU head coach Larry Tidwell said.尽管我们很遗憾将失去塔玛拉,但是我们为她的家人感到高兴。

6.Aside from her great singing voice, Tammy has a good personapty.除了歌声动听外,黛咪的个性也很好。

7.Tammy: Yeah. It was a real wake-up call for him, and now he's going to eat more carefully.谭米:对啊。这对他来说是项警讯,他现在吃东西会小心点了。

8.That sounds pke a plausible explanation; but to Tammy and others pke her, it might equally be an angel passing.这听起来似乎是个说得过去的解释,但泰米和与她有着同样际遇的其他人却相信,这可能是天使的降临。

9.Tammy looked at her for a while and then asked, "Why doesn't your skin fit your face? "泰米盯着那个人看了一会儿,然后问:“为什么你的皮肤和你的脸尺寸不合呢?”

10.Tammy : No, but if he makes one false move, he could be expelled from the university just pke that.塔米:不会,但是万一他出错一次,他就可能会直接被那所大学退学。