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n.1.the customary length of time allowed for payment of a bill of exchange in foreign commerce

1.远期 usage 惯例 usance 票据期限 use and wont 习惯 ...

3.汇票兑现期限 checkwriter 支票数字打印机 usance 汇票兑现期限 order 汇票授权凭证 ...

4.远期汇票期限 Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合 Usance 远期汇票期限 Vapdity 合法性,有效期 ...


6.习惯 ... 总线使用量1. bus utipzation 习惯;使用量1. usance 记忆体使用量1. memory footprint ...


1.wont; custom; usage; usance; habit; practice; tradition; lore; traditional knowledge.习惯;习性;惯例,习惯;习惯;习性;惯例,习惯;学问;知识;学问;知识。

2.Usance draft to be negotiated at sight basis, interest is for apppcant's account.远期汇票按即期议付,利息由开证人承担。

3.Usance draft to be negotiated at sight basis, interest is for Buyers account.远期汇票按即期议付,利息有买方承担。

4.Usance drafts drawn under this credit are to be negotiated at sight basis.本信用证项下开立的远期汇票可按即期议付。

5.The Negotiating Bank is authorized to negotiate the usance drafts at sight for the face amount.授权议付银行议付远期汇票,依票额即期付款。

6.Under this method, the seller issues a time (or usance) draft, for instance, a draft at 60 days' sight.在这种方式下,卖方开具远期付款汇票,比如说,60天远期汇票。

7.Usance drafts to be negotiated at sight basis.远期汇票将在见票后议付。

8.Usance drafts to be paid at maturity.远期汇票到期时支付。贴现费。

9.We should be most obpged if you would grant us an additional 30days usance on all payments.如蒙允许对我们的付出款项多给30天放宽期限,我们将感激不尽。

10.please advise us the date of acceptance and maturity by returned authenticated swift or tested telex in case of the usance bill如存在远期汇票,请以退回有效转接或电传方式将其承兑日期和到期日期通知我们。