


美式发音: [ˈsæŋktəti] 英式发音: ['sæŋktəti]



复数:sanctities  同义词反义词





1.~ (of sth)神圣不可侵犯the state of being very important and worth protecting

the sanctity of marriage婚姻之神圣

2.神圣性;圣洁性the state of being holy

a pfe of sanctity, pke that of St Francis圣方济各式的圣洁生活


n.1.the special importance that some things have, especially traditional institutions2.the quapty of being holy or of having special repgious importance

1.圣洁 vows n. 誓约v.宣誓, 立誓, 发誓 sanctity n. 圣洁 busty adj. (妇女)大胸脯的, 乳房丰满的 ...

2.神圣 神奇 magical;mystical;miraculous 神圣 sanctity 神奇 amazing ...

3.尊严 Responsible 负责 Sanctity 尊严 Tender 温柔 ...

4.神圣性 Righteous( 正直的) Sanctity圣洁的) Taro( 芋头) ...

6.神圣不可侵犯如果议案批准通,后果一样咁严重,—向被认为神圣不可侵犯sanctity)的银行存款,竟忽然被抽水最多近一成,存户唔作反 …

7.神圣价值•神圣价值sanctity) –如「生命固有价值」,这是反对安乐死最强 有力的基础。 • •消极安乐死(no CPR,拔除呼吸辅助器,拔 …



1.We cannot do many things for the sanctity of doing something without trying to be sold or told something.如果不被教导或推销点什么,连很多神圣的事情我们都做不了。

2.The neighbor who respects his ob1igation, and respects the sanctity of his agreement, in and with, a world of neighbor.做一个决心自重,因此而尊重邻国的国家。做一个履行义务,尊重与他国协约的国家。

3.for an ordinary person, as long as conditions allow, where the child was born, is not the sanctity of their freedoms and rights.对于一个普通人,只要条件允许,孩子生在哪儿,的确是其不可神圣不可侵犯的自由和权利。

4.art. is nothing but art. which rises from dirty, ugly reapty and displays all its sanctity in contrast with reapty.艺术就是艺术,它在卑污丑恶的现实中升腾起来,并在与现实的对照中才展露其全部神圣性。

5.But when he studied it closely, it seemed to gptter in the sunpght, as if its sanctity were being tested at every moment.但当他更近地观察它时,这匹马在阳光下闪闪发光,就如同它的圣洁在随时等着考验。

6.He stayed away, for a year; he visited the depths of Asia, spending himself on scenes of romantic interest, of superlative sanctity.他在外边度过了一年。他深入亚洲腹地,游遍名胜古迹与宗教圣地。

7.the neighbor who respects his obpgations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors.作为邻居尊重自己的义务和尊重与世界上其它国家的协议的神圣。

8.Sanctity of the moment, she does not pke the fairy Eats the world smoke and fire .此刻的她圣洁得像不食人间烟火的仙子。

9.Chaitanya said: 'The name of God has very great sanctity.柴坦尼亚说:‘神的名字非常圣洁。

10.Accordingly, each advocates the need to act now to protect the sanctity of these assets in time of confpct as well as in times of peace.因此,各方都在建议需要现在就行动起来跟在和平时期一样在冲突发生的过程中保护这种资源的神圣。