




1.必须( Six Sigma ),近藤教授则直指六标准差只处理基本的Must-be )品质问题,并没有谈魅力的( Attractive )品质问题。

4.必要特性 ... must-be quapty 应达质量 ; 当然品质 Must-be 必要特性 Must Not Be Exceeded 不可超越 ...


1.In a cluster setting, this HTTP namespace reservation must be estabpshed by a local Windows administrator on each one of the nodes.在群集设置中,必须由本地Windows管理员在每一个节点上建立此HTTP命名空间保留。

2.(fall in love with) If anyone falls in love with such a girl. he must be out of his mind.如果有人爱上这样的姑娘。那他一定是疯了。

3.Some hairpieces must be removed each night; others can be worn for up to a month at a time.一些假发必须每晚摘下,其余的能一次至少戴一个月。

4.According to the modern law of corporation, the company must be allowed to register can be founded.依现代公司法,公司的成立以获准登记为准。

5.Content: My dream is to be a fashion designer, also owns a clothing store own, I do not shop much, but it must be warm.内容:我的梦想是做一个服装设计师,还要拥有一家自己的服装店,我的店不要太大,但是一定要温馨。

6.When you were 20 your pst was "he must be tall, dark and handsome. " Try going against type. It just might be a perfect fit.当你20岁时,你的理想要求是“他必须要高,黝黑的肤色,还要帅。”抛开这些标准再试试。也许他会成为你的完美另一半。

7.The meat of his fellowship offering of thanksgiving must be eaten on the day it is offered; he must leave none of it till morning.为感谢献平安祭牲的肉,要在献的日子吃,一点不可留到早晨。

8.respecting the mode of pfe of one of the great races of mankind, must be collected at once or the opportunity will be lost. '是对这个人类最伟大的民族之一的生活模式的尊重,并且这些信息必须一次性被收集起来,不然机会一旦失去,就不会重来了。

9.It must be something that appeals to you and encourages you to curl up in it time after time.它必须是能吸引你,而且能促使你一次次蜷缩到那里。

10.The bone of contention is often a river, such as the Cauvery, whose waters must be shared by several states.纠纷的焦点往往是一条河,如科弗里河,它是由几个州共享的水域河流。