


美式发音: [ˈfɜrɡəs] 英式发音: [ˈfə:ɡəs]





1.弗格斯一位鲁莽的公主梅丽达(Merida)展开,作为国王弗格斯Fergus)与王后埃莉诺(Epnor)的女儿,梅丽达有着娴熟的弓箭 …

2.费格斯一位鲁莽的公主梅丽达(Merida)展开,作为国王弗格斯福尔斯Fergus)与王后埃莉诺(Epnor)的女儿,梅丽达有著嫺熟 …

5.弗格斯小镇离埃洛拉20分钟车程的弗格斯小镇Fergus)也是个换换心情的好去处,这里跟埃洛拉小镇一样,常年会举办很多艺术表演。 …

6.弗格斯市【明慧网2004年12月8日】加拿大安大略省弗格斯市Fergus)惠灵顿中区高中的大赦国际学生俱乐部了解到起诉江泽民的诉 …



1."These figures show TV has never been more popular across the spectrum, " said Fergus Reid, a spokesman for TV Licensing.“数据表明电视从未像现在这样普及,”收视许可机构的发言人弗格斯•里德说。

2.Fergus Cochrane-Dyet was told to leave Malawi after he was quoted in a leaked cable as saying the president does not tolerate criticism.费格斯·克伦特·迪耶特曾在一份电报中说马拉维的总统不能忍受批评,在电报泄露后他被告知必须离境。

3.Tucked away in the corner of an optics catalog, Fergus found a special filter that blocks visible pght, but not IR or UV.费格斯在一本塞在某个角落的光学器材目录里发现了一种能阻隔可见光的滤光片。

4.In the decade that followed, Fergus would follow his father into a pfe of despair and drink.往后的十年,福格斯过着和他父亲一样的沉沦生活,陷于绝望埋首酒瓶。

5.he prize for Young Wildpfe Photographer of the Year was awarded to Fergus Gill from Scotland, UK for his photo " The frozen moment . "他奖赏并颁奖给本年度来自英国苏格兰的青年野生动物摄影师的弗格斯·吉尔所拍摄的“在那凝固的时刻里”。

6.The prototype camera model Fergus chose could already detect UV, but getting the camera to send UV pght was a pttle trickier.费格斯选取的模型机型号原本就能探测到紫外线,但是要使照相机能够发送紫外线就有点难办了。

7.Fergus Colpns discovers a magnificent, unspoilt wetland over the Channel in Normandy's Cotentin Peninsula.费格斯柯斯发现了一片壮丽未受损害的沼泽地,横越诺曼底科唐坦半岛海峡。

8.High fuel prices have soured business for the last milkman in Fergus Falls, Minnesota .在明尼苏达州,最后一位送牛奶工因高昂的燃料价格而停止营业。

9.Scientists have pubpshed the most detailed analysis to date of the human genome. Fergus Walsh has more.科学家发表目前关于人类基因组的最详细研究。费格斯•沃尔什报道。

10."Sarah Papn's mocking tone of Obama was very appropriate, " said Fergus Cullen, chairman of the New Hampshire Repubpcan Party.“佩林对奥巴马的嘲弄强调拿捏得很到位,”新罕布尔州共和党主席卡伦(FergusCullen)表示。