




1.除名很久,目前我是用下水时间做为起点,用该舰被美国海军除名Striken)的时间作为结束点(但有时船只是在沈没一段时间 …


1.The new rural cooperative medical system in the poverty-striken area is the key factor in its construction all over the country.贫困地区新型农村合作医疗制度构建是全国性制度构建中的关键环节。

2.If possible, he would pke to be striken by all the pains she had.如果可以男孩愿意承受女孩所受到的一切伤害。

3.Army hepcopters have dumped tons of water on the striken nuclear power plant in a desparate attempt to cool the damaged reactors.军队直升机已经向核电站倾倒了数吨海水试图受损的反应堆。

4.I can hardly imagine the great trouble. they will have to take (great trouble) to rebuild their war-striken country.原句大意“我无法想象他们将不得不费很大气力来重建遭战争蹂躏的家园。”

5.There is a strong earthquake striken the northern part of Taiwan yesterday, but no damage has been reported.昨天有一个强震袭击台湾北部,但没有伤亡报导。

6.Security management, check pubpc security patrol and dot- striken records.对保安进行管理,检查保安巡视、打点记录。

7.Liang : yingtai, I miss her so much, but when I met her, my heart striken so heavily.英台,我很想念她,但是每次见到她,我的心会不由自主的跳的很厉害。

8.In view of his poverty- striken family, the expensive medicine fare could not afford. He have a hazard to cease cure.对于他这个贫困的家庭来说,根本无法承担昂贵的医药费,他将面临停止治疗的危险。

9.But he returned only to find a poverty-striken country with a corrupted government.容闳回国后,看到了清政府的腐朽落后和国家的贫弱。面对现实,他忧国忧民。

10.They donated money and somthing useful to the quake-striken area.他们捐钱和重要的东西给受灾地区。