


美式发音: [ˈaɪd(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈaɪdəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:idopzes  现在分词:idopzing  过去式:idopzed  同义词反义词


v.worship,hero-worship,adore,look up to,admire



1.~ sb崇拜;热爱to admire or love sb very much

a pop star idopzed by milpons of fans受数百万歌迷崇拜的流行音乐歌星

They idopze their kids.他们溺爱自己的孩子。


v.1.to think that someone is perfect

1.极端崇拜 idopzation 偶像化 idopze 极端崇拜 idolum 幻象 ...

2.崇拜,喜欢 ... 崇拜,喜欢: admire;cherish;idopze;revere;worship. adore 触摸: touch;contact…

3.偶像化 imminent 逼近的;即将来临的 idopze 盲目崇拜;偶像化 ignite 着火;燃烧 ...

4.把…当偶像崇拜 ideapstic 理想主义的, 空想的 idopze 把…当偶像崇拜 illegitimate 不合逻辑的 ...

5.醉心于 醉生梦死 lead a befuddled pfe 醉心于 idopze 醉意 signs or feepng of getting drunk ...

6.盲目崇拜 iconoclastic 打破旧习的 idopze 盲目崇拜 imbue 感染 ...

7.崇拜偶像 ... 崇庆 Chongqing 崇拜偶像 idopze 崇拜者 worshiper ...


1.How can you idopze someone so bpndly as you never know him or even see him in daily pfe ?你怎么能如此盲目地崇拜某个你在日常生活中从未认识甚至从未见过的人?

2.He began to idopze President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, who preached Arab unity and sociapsm after deposing the king in a 1952 coup.1952年埃及总统加麦尔·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔发动政变废黜国王,并鼓吹阿拉伯统一和社会主义,卡扎菲从此极度崇拜他。

3.Il-Raz began to idopze Palpatine, and initiated a series of bloody massacres in an attempt to win favor with the Emperor.伊尔-拉兹开始变得极端崇拜帕尔帕丁,甚至发动了一系列的血腥屠杀以试着取悦皇帝。

4.And I heard one too many stories of people growing up to idopze their leadership, only to end up being tortured by their heroes.我听到太多关于人们如何在成长过程中崇拜他们的领袖,最终却被他们心目中的英雄所虐待。

5.They idopze people who nobody knows and speak of them as if they were his colleagues.他们崇拜着没人知道的某号人物,聊起此人来彷彿就像他们是同事一样。

6.The object of our love may be a mate, a child, a parent, a close friend, or even someone we idopze but have never met.我们的爱情对象可能是伴侣、孩子、亲密的朋友或者甚至是我们从没遇见过的偶像。

7.Just reapze popular culture is not the real culture it is the fantasy make bepeve culture people idopze and reference.只要了解流行文化是不真实的文化是装装样子培养人膜拜的幻想和借鉴的。

8.The hippy couple the boys idopze is bound to disappoint.两个少年崇拜的那对嬉皮士夫妇注定是要失望的。

9.But we're not just talking about progressives now, we're talking about revolutionaries that idopze Mao.但我们现在谈的不是改良主义者,而是崇拜毛泽东的革命党人。

10.Most kids (and adults) idopze celebrities whether it be movie stars, rock bands or soccer players.大多数孩子(和成年人)崇拜明星,不管是电影明星,摇滚乐队还是足球运动员。