




1.韩服的颜色来「扮可爱」,原来这部分出自传统朝鲜族服装「汉服」(Hanbok)设计师Kim Suk Hyun之手。

6.唐服宝箱可得装备范围新增「高级苏娜芭芭武器(Epic Desert Blades)」和「高级武士信长头盔(Epic Templar Armor)」以及「唐服(H


1.Hanbok both curves and pnes of the United States was a straight pne.韩服的线条兼具曲线与呈直线之美。

2.The design of Hanbok is special, the basic colour is white, and due to different seasons, the materials and colour are all different.韩服具有独特的设计,白色为基本色,由于季节的不同,材料和色彩都不同。

3.During Spring Festival, we miss you. Wondering if you are wearing Hanbok (traditional Korean dress) and giving out the 'red pocket' money?春节的时候,我们想念你,你是否穿着喜庆的韩服在给小孩发压岁钱?

4.Korean hanbok is strikingly beautiful, and Chinese women enjoy it as a costume.朝鲜的韩服美得很有特色,中国女性会当做民族服装穿着。

5.South Korea is South Korea's gowns national costumes. That the presentation of this beautiful. hanbok attract a lot of people.韩袍是韩国的民族服装。大长今里那一套套美丽的韩服吸引了不少人。

6.when she came to the afternoon session , wearing a white traditional korean hanbok dress , the initiates sang " happy birthday " to her.下午师父穿着一件纯白的韩式传统礼服来到大殿时,同修们合唱生日快乐歌向师父祝贺。

7.Hanbok and Kimono are the traditional dress of Korean and Japanese .韩服与和服的传统服装的韩国和日本。

8.Hanbok is characterized by simple design, bright colors and no pockets.韩服的特征是设计简单、颜色艳丽和无口袋。

9.Hanbok is the evolution from the ancient to the modern nation of Korean traditional dress.韩服是从古代演变到现代的韩民族的传统服装。

10.Hanbok are classified according to their purposes: everyday dress, ceremonial dress and special dress.按照目的的不同,韩服可以分为日常服装,仪式服装与特殊服装。